James Strong Show Podcast

James Strong Show Podcast

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News of the day from a free thinking independent conservative pompous ass. Published weekly, usually Saturday AM.

For 41 years the Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service has helped the working poor in East Central Missouri. Pam Struckhoff and Donna Tobin discuss the workings of this unique charity and the good they do in the community.

75 Years ago, rancher WW Brazel discovered a crashed craft on his ranch 100 miles north of Roswell, NM. The military said it was a flying saucer. Then it wasn't. The Roswell incident began what became the story of the century...are we being visited by beings from another world?. Strong discusses Roswell, the Hickson-Parker abduction and Thomas Mantell's UFO pursuit in his P51 Mustang. UFO talk today on The Strong Show!

Jo and Eugene are back discussing their trip to Minnesota and South Dakota. Their passions include caving and bats, and conferences in the upper Midwest were the focal points of their 18 day trip. Travel can include to touristy venue, but doesn't have too. One more example of how to have the adventure of a lifetime, your way.

Have you found that everything seems to be more difficult to accomplish? Shopping on line? Eating out? Making a doctor's appointment? And good luck finding a human to talk to. And it's done "For your convenience". Strong discusses this prominent first world problem.

Financial Advisor Kieran Gutting joins the show to discuss today's economical environment. What has happened? What could happen short and long term? What can you do about it? Eye opening advise from one of today's top financial oracle.

We have big problems in the USA. Or do we? If everything is relative, how big are our worst problems? And how fixable are they? With a "Glass Half Full" perspective, Strong outlines some of the First World's biggest challenges.

Did Strong cancel The Greyfalcon? Of course not, but cancel culture remains prominent in society. If we don't like someone, we don't discuss, we cancel. Comedians, actors, politicians, friends. What is gained by canceling the opposing view? The Greyfalcon and Strong discuss in detail.

Don McLean wrote and sang American Pie 50 years ago. We all know that. But what else did he write? Sing? Record? What is his link to Roberta Flack? Is he still active today? Strong discusses all on today's podcast.

Going green and working remotely are the two hottest buzz words going today. But what do they mean? What are they caused? Every action has an opposite reaction. Strong discusses this today.

Eric Carman is a Pop-Rock musician who had a long solo career and was front man for The Raspberries. But this classically trained musician also created the Power Pop musical style and borrowed from Sergei Rachmaninoff for two of his biggest hits. Like John Fogerty of CCR, Carman carried The Raspberries and jealousy's green face broke up the band. An interesting feature on an unappreciated artist

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