Lost Arts Radio

Lost Arts Radio

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Lost Arts Radio with host Richard Sacks - every Sunday night at 9pm EST / 6pm PST (our show with guests). Our Saturday evening show is The Planetary Healing Club at 9pm EST / 6pm PST. Visit our website: http://www.lostartsradio.com/club for more info.

Veteran journalist Janet Phelan, author of the expose At The Breaking Point of History, How Decades of U.S. Duplicity Enabled The Pandemic, (https://amzn.to/3P8DO43) and contributing writer for Activist Post is aware of the "snake venom theory" recently publicized by Dr. Bryan Ardis, and did a great interview with him that I was fortunate to see this week on Dr. Ardis' channel. As the video explains, Dr. Ardis found that synthetic snake venom peptides had been used in modern drug "medicines" for years and that snake bite could cause all the symptoms of "COVID." His research also confirmed what Dr. Kaufmann, Dr. Cowan and others had realized, that there was no proof the SARsCoV-2 "virus" exists or causes any disease. He found that PCR is a lab procedure, not a test for disease, and cannot diagnose anything. In other words, the "pandemic," with "cases" defined by PCR bogus test results, was and is a malicious fabrication, an attack on humanity. Many signs point to synthetic snake venom peptides causing the symptoms of "COVID," but how was the venom distributed to people for their consumption to make them sick or die, in order to promote deadly vaccines? Dr. Ardis postulated the water system may be the vector chosen,but was immediately attacked even by many who knew the virus was unproven to exist, because they said the public water system would dilute the poison too much and could not target anyone specifically. They did not know that Janet Phelan's work had already proven them wrong. Janet's bombshell discovery of just how well the public water systems would work to covertly and precisely deliver any drug or chemical to a specific targeted home, office or neighborhood, gives huge additional credibility to the Dr. Ardis snake venom theory.

Dr. Tau Braun (http://www.drtaubraun.com and http://www.biochemscience.com) is well-known internationally as an expert teacher of threat assessment, threat management and response, in situations involving bioterrorism, biowarfare, all kinds of violent threats. Government agencies and corporations seek his guidance and training in threat management and prevention, and as an expert witness in court cases. Great teachers are usually also great observers and learners. Dr. Braun has applied his analytical and observational abilities to understanding the "pandemic" at a level few professionals at his stature have done. He was recently interviewed by Dr. Bryan Ardis (https://vokalnow.com/audio/4850), and the written description called him "the doctor who figured it out before Dr. Ardis." Figured what out? That the COVID-19 vaccines, in addition to containing bioweapon components like mRNA, graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide, nanobots and more, are a vector for distribution and injection of...

A Voice In The Wilderness: The Attitude Of Real Science - Richard Sacks, host of Lost Arts Radio http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com or http://www.lostartsradio.com/club http://www.lostartsradio.com Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio

Lost Arts Radio Live - Conversations With Dr. Gabriel Cousens - 7/12/22 A new LIVE series with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. http://www.lostartsradio.com Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio

Dr. Tau Braun (http://www.drtaubraun.com) is well-known internationally as an expert teacher of threat assessment, threat management and response, in situations involving bioterrorism, biowarfare, all kinds of violent threats. Government agencies and corporations seek his guidance and training in threat management and prevention, and as an expert witness in court cases. Great teachers are usually also great observers and learners. Dr. Braun has applied his analytical and observational abilities to understanding the "pandemic" at a level few professionals at his stature have done. He was recently interviewed by Dr. Bryan Ardis (https://vokalnow.com/audio/4850), and the written description called him "the doctor who figured it out before Dr. Ardis." Figured what out? That the COVID-19 vaccines, in addition to containing bioweapon components like mRNA, graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide, nanobots and more, are a vector for distribution and injection of synthetic snake venom. Most docto...

A Voice In The Wilderness: Independence Day - Make It Real - Richard Sacks, host of Lost Arts Radio http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com or http://www.lostartsradio.com/club http://www.lostartsradio.com Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio

Lost Arts Radio Live - Conversations With Dr. Gabriel Cousens - 7/5/22 A new LIVE series with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. http://www.lostartsradio.com Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio

A Voice In The Wilderness: Dr. Zev Zelenko Leaves The Physical World - Richard Sacks, host of Lost Arts Radio http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com or http://www.lostartsradio.com/club http://www.lostartsradio.com Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio

A Voice In The Wilderness: Richard Responds To Comments On Alex Jones As Well As The Bible (Genesis 6) - Richard Sacks, host of Lost Arts Radio http://www.planetaryhealingclub.com or http://www.lostartsradio.com/club http://www.lostartsradio.com Help keep us on the air: REWARDS PROGRAM - http://www.subscribestar.com/lostartsradio

Dr. Chris Busby's long career is mostly focused on the actual effects of radiation on living tissues, but he also has a clear grasp of how nuclear weapons and power generation work. And unlike some high-level experts who may lack the ability to communicate well with the general public, he is also good at making his points understandable in simple but accurate terms. With the very real threat of nuclear war and annihilation hanging over all of our heads, thanks to the belligerent policies and actions of NATO and the covert rulers of the US who are trying to destroy America and the world in many ways at once, I felt it would be a good time to get an introduction (or refresher) on nuclear basics. I had another reason to address this subject now. There have been some videos going around the internet saying that nuclear weapons, nuclear power and radiation actually don't exist. They seem to stem mostly from people's understanding of talks given by nuclear expert Galen Winsor, and comment...

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