Money Making Sense

Money Making Sense

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The goal of Money Making Sense is to help you find more financial peace. Host Heather Kelly and guest experts focus on reviewing paychecks and analyzing family decisions. They also talk about vacationing on a budget, retirement savings on a limited income, reducing household expenses, the financial impact of owning a pet and how money affects relationships. Money Making Sense will give you practical ideas on how to improve your bottom line. Money Making Sense is a 2017, 2018 and 2020 People's Choice Podcast Finalist. 


If you want to know how to survive the recession, Michael Stevens, the founder of Capital Wealth Advisors, says having enough money tucked away for emergencies is how. Michael says taking advantage of free retirement funds -- like your employers matching 401k is just one way to do it. And you can go to to get more information. You can follow this show onInstagramand onFacebook. And to see what Heather does when she's not talking money, go to her personalTwitterpage. Be sure to email Heather your questions and request topics you'd like her to coverhere. See for privacy information.

If you have mysterious health issues, it may be due to mold in your home. Michael Rubino, author of "The Mold Medic" says mold can cause brain fog, breathing problems and neurologic symptoms -- just to name a few problems. Michael discusses how to prevent getting mold in the first place and what not to do if you already have it. HINT: don't use bleach to try and get rid of it. You can follow this show onInstagramand onFacebook. And to see what Heather does when she's not talking money, go to her personalTwitterpage. Be sure to email Heather your questions and request topics you'd like her to coverhere. See for privacy information.

If a professional can't explain financial terms in a simple way, it's their problem, not yours. So says Nicholle Overcamp, the CEO of Wilcox Financial Group. She is also a financial coach with PowHERhouse Money Coaching. Nicholle says many times women are intimidated to ask deeper questions about their money, because some men want to tell others what to do or simply show how much they know, instead of explaining the process. You can follow this show onInstagramand onFacebook. And to see what Heather does when she's not talking money, go to her personalTwitterpage. Be sure to email Heather your questions and request topics you'd like her to coverhere. See for privacy information.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) can increase your wallet. Paul Skeen, the co-chair of the National DEI Counci with Eide Bailly and Susan Speirs, the CEO of Utah Association of CPAs discuss the advantages of including people from many different backgrounds, including race, gender and military service. Skeen says profits at Eide Bailly more than doubled after they began including more women among into partnership and corporate roles. You can follow this show onInstagramand onFacebook. And to see what Heather does when she's not talking money, go to her personalTwitterpage. Be sure to email Heather your questions and request topics you'd like her to coverhere. See for privacy information.

Are you ready for company at your home? Bobby Berk, designer and tv host of Queer Eye on Netflix, has tips to make your space inviting. He says you can spend thousands of dollars, but you can also spruce things up on the cheap as well. You can follow this show onInstagramand onFacebook. And to see what Heather does when she's not talking money, go to her personalTwitterpage. Be sure to email Heather your questions and request topics you'd like her to coverhere. See for privacy information.

Host Heather Kelly goes through some of the scam texts she's received. Is there a pattern you can use to identify possible scams you get on your smart phones? Also find out what to do if you click on link you shouldn't have. You can follow this show onInstagramand onFacebook. And to see what Heather does when she's not talking money, go to her personalTwitterpage. Be sure to email Heather your questions and request topics you'd like her to coverhere. See for privacy information.

Don't lease, rent or buy an electric vehicle. Scott Painter, the founder of Autonomy, says subscribing to drive an EV is the cheaper way to go. He says having a subscription does not require a credit check and can lower the average monthly cost of Tesla Model 3 from $600 to $490. And he says some EVs could be as low as $200 per month. You can follow this show onInstagramand onFacebook. And to see what Heather does when she's not talking money, go to her personalTwitterpage. Be sure to email Heather your questions and request topics you'd like her to coverhere. See for privacy information.

Entrepreneur, Antoine Campbell, say teaching kids NOW to exercise their brain muscles by learning about money and finance, will set them up for future success. He says something as simple as a lemondade stand can be turned into a learning lesson. Hear about it in this episode along with some other tips. You can follow this show onInstagramand onFacebook. And to see what Heather does when she's not talking money, go to her personalTwitterpage. Be sure to email Heather your questions and request topics you'd like her to coverhere. See for privacy information.

Les Robinson, the author of Protecting Your Money from Medicaid & Nursing Homes, says falling is the number 1 way to lose all your money. Find out why he says don't wait until you are in the 5th month of a nursing home before you realize you're in financial trouble. You can follow this show onInstagramand onFacebook. And to see what Heather does when she's not talking money, go to her personalTwitterpage. Be sure to email Heather your questions and request topics you'd like her to coverhere. See for privacy information.

Did you recently meet someone new online, either through social media or a dating sight? Francswai Grayson, the communication outreach manager with the Utah Division of Securities, says if they ask you for money -- DON'T give them any. Susan Speirs, the CEO of Utah Association of CPA's, says you also need to be wary of those in positions of trust, if they try to get you to invest in a business oportunity or say they can "guarantee" a certain return on investment. You can follow this show onInstagramand onFacebook. And to see what Heather does when she's not talking money, go to her personalTwitterpage. Be sure to email Heather your questions and request topics you'd like her to coverhere. See for privacy information.

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