Murd Up Podcast

Murd Up Podcast

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Just a girl reading murder stories to a boy

WE LOVE YOU ALL! Song 1: “Will I See You Again” by Thee Sacred Souls Song 2: “Had To Come Back Wet” by Roger Fakhr Song 3: “Get With the Program” by Doug Shorts Song 4: “That’s The Way Love Is” by Marvin Gaye Song 5: “Too Late” by Tavares Song 6: “Get Into the Party Life” by Little Beaver

WE LOVE YOU ALL! Song 1: “Will I See You Again” by Thee Sacred Souls Song 2: “Had To Come Back Wet” by Roger Fakhr Song 3: “Get With the Program” by Doug Shorts Song 4: “That’s The Way Love Is” by Marvin Gaye Song 5: “Too Late” by Tavares Song 6: “Get Into the Party Life” by Little Beaver

WE LOVE YOU ALL! Song 1: “Will I See You Again” by Thee Sacred Souls Song 2: “Had To Come Back Wet” by Roger Fakhr Song 3: “Get With the Program” by Doug Shorts Song 4: “That’s The Way Love Is” by Marvin Gaye Song 5: “Too Late” by Tavares Song 6: “Get Into the Party Life” by Little Beaver

Though no one truly knows who committed the Whitechapel Murders, the suspects are pretty narrowed down at this point, with some DNA evidence matching what police reports assumed was the prime suspect back in 1888. Without a suspect, there is no motive given for these heinous crimes but still, so many years later, we are talking about the possible identify of Jack.

Elizabeth Short was born in 1924 to parents Cleo & Phoebe, and grew up with four sisters. Things were going great for the family until 1929 when the Great Depression hit and Cleo disappeared one day, leaving Phoebe alone to take care of the girls. Flash forward almost 12 years, Cleo suddenly comes back into the picture and Elizabeth decided to move across country to be with him. But things don’t work out well and she hopped around from couch to couch, city to city, before finally deciding to just head back home to her mother. But Elizabeth never made it home. In fact, her body was found several days later and to this day we are unsure exactly what happened to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Short was born in 1924 to parents Cleo & Phoebe, and grew up with four sisters. Things were going great for the family until 1929 when the Great Depression hit and Cleo disappeared one day, leaving Phoebe alone to take care of the girls. Flash forward almost 12 years, Cleo suddenly comes back into the picture and Elizabeth decided to move across country to be with him. But things don’t work out well and she hopped around from couch to couch, city to city, before finally deciding to just head back home to her mother. But Elizabeth never made it home. In fact, her body was found several days later and to this day we are unsure exactly what happened to Elizabeth.

Our between-episodes show. Music & chit-chat. Song 1: “I Can’t Stand the Rain” by Ann Peebles Song 2: “No More Mr. Nice Guy” by Alice Cooper Song 3: “Venus” by Shocking Blue Song 4: “Terminator X To The Edge of Panic” by Public Enemy Song 5: “Daft Punk Medley” by Kaleidoscope Orchestra

Our between-episodes show. Music & chit-chat. Song 1: “I Can’t Stand the Rain” by Ann Peebles Song 2: “No More Mr. Nice Guy” by Alice Cooper Song 3: “Venus” by Shocking Blue Song 4: “Terminator X To The Edge of Panic” by Public Enemy Song 5: “Daft Punk Medley” by Kaleidoscope Orchestra

In Chicago in the 1920s, life was controlled by the gangs throughout the city, specifically the North Side & South Side gangs, who had beef with each other. Throughout the 20s, the two sides had turf wars, bombings, and shootings, with each side trying to take full control of the city. Eventually, the North Side Gang took it too far, and The Outfit decided to do something about it. But that lead to a lot of back and forth assassination attempts, which ended with a very bloody Valentine’s Day in 1929.

Our between-episodes show. Music & chit-chat. Song 1: “I Wanna Be Where You Are” by Michael Jackson Song 2: “SWLABR” by CREAM Song 3: “Solano Avenue” by David Byrne & Fatboy Slim Song 4: “Groovy People” by Lou Rawls Song 5: “Pull Up The Roots” by Talking Heads

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