Quillette Podcast

Quillette Podcast

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Quillette is an online magazine founded by Australian writer Claire Lehmann. The publication has a primary focus on science, technology, news, culture, and politics.

Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks with Swedish Marxist Malcom Kyeyune, who argues that nominally progressive theories of race and gender are actually aimed at securing influence, employment, and prestige for underemployed university graduates.

Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay talks to author James Kirchick about the closeted lives of gay men living and working in America's capital during the Cold War.

Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks with renowned evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins about his new book on the science and mythology of life in the air-from puffins and flying squirrels to fairies and angels

Economist editor Helen Joyce, author of 'Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality,' explains to Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay why biology must trump politics when it comes to defining who is a woman and who is a man.

Reporter Aaron Sibarium talks to Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay about his recent scoops concerning the campaign against anti-woke Princeton classics professor Joshua Katz, and the unsettling radicalism of student activists at Yale Law School

Veteran technology expert Jim Rutt tells Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay about the hard lessons he's learned over four decades of creating and implementing content-moderation standards on numerous social-media platforms.

Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay speaks with documentary filmmaker Rob Montz about self-made education expert Roland G. Fryer Jr.-who bucked Harvard's progressive party line on race and education, and then got targeted with dubious harassment claims.

Former Mount Royal University professor Frances Widdowson describes the political, academic, and journalistic taboos surrounding the fate of Indigenous residential-school students in western Canada.

Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay talks to intelligence expert Shmuel Bar about why Putin bungled the war in Ukraine, why NATO didn't do enough to deter the Russians, and what happens next.

Quillette podcast host Jonathan Kay asks neuroscientist, philosopher, best-selling author, and celebrity podcaster Sam Harris about the key to living a fulfilling and satisfying life (and whether it's okay to tell your children they're bad at sports)

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