She's Mindful Podcast

She's Mindful Podcast

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22 聲音
In the She’s Mindful Podcast, Tina Mavadia - Mindful Life Coach serving mums and their teen daughters with mindfulness and meditation (a former School Teacher for a decade, the youngest of three girls and mum to one little girl) speaks to mums raising teenage daughters. Discussing the highs and lows along with the challenges and rewards of parenting a daughter in their teen years, and advises them on how to go from STRESSED-OUT to CHILLED-OUT with mindful tips so they can raise a happy teen girl, enjoy this chapter in their parenting life and make the best of this time in their life - as a woman. Each episode is easy listening; so grab a cup of tea, or go about your day and tune into #realtalk by real mums raising teenage daughters - the mindful way. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast for weekly episodes every Thursday that will educate and inspire you on your mindful journey ahead - can’t wait for you to get listening - enjoy this podcast!

In this episode, I bring on my 15-year-old niece to discuss the pressures herself and teen girls today face in order to ‘fit in’ socially and be accepted by peers at school and ‘online’ in social media apps! And listen in to mindful wisdom that’ll free you from needing to fit in once and for all! To get started today with your mindful living journey with the FREE Mindful Living Starter kit Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!

In this episode, I bring on my 15-year-old niece to raise awareness around the demographic that is most affected by depression and suicide today - the LGBTQ+ community. A serious topic which may be affecting you directly, or you know someone who is. This episode is a must listen to everybody so we can release the stigma and shame associated with being in the LGBTQ+ community or raising a teen girl who is. For support and to learn more, visit

In this episode I bring on my 15-year-old niece to discuss mental health at her school - and what’s being done to better support pupils - along with what’s not being done! A deeply insightful episode for any mum and teen girl who wants to feel their very best in life. To get started today with your mindful living journey with the FREE Mindful Living Starter kit Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!

Do you find yourself constantly nagging your daughter to tidy up her bedroom? In this episode I share mindful advice on how to encourage better habits that leave your home tidier and make your daughter more appreciative for what she has. Join the She’s Mindful Facebook Community for Mums raising teen girls: Get started today with your mindful living journey with the FREE Mindful Living Starter kit at Subscribe, rate and review!

This episode discusses how a woman or girl's confidence is affected by make up and filters - along with social pressures, social media and self-confidence. And discover how you can be freed from ‘needing to wear’ makeup to choosing to wear it instead. And get started today with your mindful living journey with the FREE Mindful Living Starter kit Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!

This episode discusses the highs and lows when communicating with your teen girl, along with how to talk to your teen girl, so she actually listens to you - and you are able to listen to her! To continue the conversation, join the She’s Mindful Facebook Community especially for Mums raising teen girls at And get started today with your mindful living journey with the FREE Mindful Living Starter kit Subscribe, rate and review!

This week on the 'She's Mindful' podcast I dive into all things period pain. Listen to real truths that medication can have on the female cycle along with a 4-part easy and safe holistic approach that you can use instead. To continue the conversation, join the She’s Mindful Facebook Community especially for Mums raising teen girls at And get started today with your mindful living journey with the FREE Mindful Living Starter kit

In this episode I discuss all things periods and the shame, stigma and taboo surrounding it which can have a negative impact on women or teen girls' self worth. Listen to real experiences from mindful mums on how they’re going to combat period-shame with their girls. To continue the conversation, join the She’s Mindful Facebook Community especially for Mums raising teen girls at Subscribe, rate and review!

This episode discusses panic attacks and anxiety - how it shows up in teen life , what you can do about it, and some personal stories from mindful mums on how it affected them as teens. To continue the conversation, join the She’s Mindful Facebook Community for Mums raising teen girls at Get started today on your mindful living journey with the FREE Mindful Living Starter kit - Subscribe, rate and review so you never miss an episode!

In this episode I discuss ‘gender neutral parenting’ - the what, why, and how its the way forward to raise a mindful teen girl and embody mindfulness in your life. Its a must listen if you want to end labels and old stereotypes - and are for raising a confident and empowered teen girl. Join the She’s Mindful Community for Mums raising teen girls at Start on your mindful living journey with the FREE Mindful Living Starter kit - Subscrib

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