Soul Chat with Ebony the Goddess

Soul Chat with Ebony the Goddess

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Welcome to Soul Chat with Ebony the Goddess from the spiritual wellness brand Queens Recognize Queens®️ delivering you the most authentic conversations for your Soul, and propelling you into your most divine self. Our guests will include powerful influencers, authors, and real people who have tackled their darkest moments to find their own true light. May you be inspired to know how immensely brilliant you are, and walk away with a deeper understanding of your own purpose, and the importance of owning your story. To get in touch, email us directly at Support this podcast:

Welcome to another episode of Soul Chat! I am your host Ebony Tutora, also known as Ebony the Goddess. It is an honor to bring to you this divine Queen, Madame Kay Jones, founder of SheOrgasms. Not only have I been able to be a part of their growing tribe, I also have been honored to sit down with the founder to discuss sacred sensuality, S.E.X, divine partnerships, and so much more! This episode should open your eyes to how one can dive into femininity, as well as discover new ways to love yourself on a deeper level. This is one of my most favorite topics, and I pray you love it too! To use my special discount code "Ebony" and shop SheOrgasms, visit this link: More about Kay: A MESSAGE FROM THE WOMAN WHO STARTED IT ALL... SAY HELLO TO KAY JONES When spirituality and sexuality combine harmoniously, you get the embodiment of Kay Jones. The Chief Inspiration Officer of SheOrgasms is the Goddess energy behind the herbal supplements and other products charged...

Welcome to another episode of Soul Chat! I am your host Ebony Tutora, also known as Ebony the Goddess. It is an honor to bring to you my love, and my divine partner, my King. I was a little hesitant to release this episode, as there are some things that I like to keep to myself. However, I really wanted to share some love, and hope for those out there seeking divine love. We begin this episode with answering some questions from the "We are not really strangers," deck, and then dive into a bit of our story, and what we both think love is. Join us for an episode filled with love, laughter, and the essence of divine alignment. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:

Hello beautiful soul! Welcome to another amazing episode of Soul Chat with Ebony the Goddess. Today's guest is a friend, educator, and fellow mental health advocate, Yasmin Van. She is a brilliant soul who offers insight, healing, and perspective on the authentic journey of parenting. In this episode we discuss the taboo beliefs about being a parent, and how to cope and navigate REAL feelings, while raising "good humans." Per usual, pull up a chair, and grab your notebook and pen. This episode is sure to inspire you! More about Yasmin: Yasmin Van is a licensed social worker with 24 years of personal and professional experience living and working with individuals with a variety of special needs including mental illness. Her interest in supporting families of special needs children began when she was trying to find support while caring for her own child with special needs. She began her career working with children and families as an aide in the Crossroads program at B-T BOCES. She we...

Welcome to another episode of Soul Chat with your host Ebony Tutora from Queens Recognize Queens. In this episode we discuss how to learn to love, accept, and own your story as your journey to not only your best life, but your most authentic self. Carla Love is a groundbreaking coach who works privately and in the corporate sphere sharing her wisdom, light, and love. She is known to be a catalyst of change no matter where she goes, and has the life experiences and skillset to help others discover their worth, passion, and purpose. Carla is someone to look out for as she too, steps into a greater calling. I hope you have a pen and notebook ready for this amazing conversation. More about Carla in her own words: My Purpose : To BE my Best Self My Passion : To connect others with their Best Self! I'm a Mindset Mechanic, Thought Trainer, Systems Creator, Organizational Freak and Life Hacker! I'm a Healer at heart and believe that the only way to DO better is to BE better! One of the thin...

Welcome to another episode of Soul Chat with your host Ebony Tutora from Queens Recognize Queens. In this episode we discuss her research of women without fathers, and how that affects how they show up in the world- specifically in love. We discuss how accepting love that is easy can be challenging when we've learned that love is hard. There's so many amazing talking points you definitely want to have out your pen and notebook. More about Shade: Shadé is a breakthrough coach and New Earth teacher, dedicated to healing ancestral wounding. Many of you have been doing the work, going to yoga class, reading all the right books, but are still stuck. She spent 10 years working towards her own freedom and created her offerings to streamline that process for you. You can shift now. Before becoming a breakthrough coach, Shadé graduated from Columbia University and earned her Masters in Public Health from Tulane University. She interviewed hundreds of women ages 18-75 and found an absolute ...

Welcome to another episode of Soul Chat with your host Ebony Tutora from Queens Recognize Queens. In this episode we interview the amazing Josh Massey CEO of The Loving Leaders. A little more about Josh, the loving leaders and his philosophy for coaching. In his words: I'm very excited to share with you what I've learned over the last two years of coachinghundreds ofcoaches to get their business off the ground by instilling new habits and shifting their belief system. The number one thing I see blocking coaches from having everything they've ever dreamed of in their business? They don't believe they're worthy of having "all the things". And this is usually covered up by a more of surface-level problem of what we "think" it is. After all, as a coach, we should be able to coach ourselves, right? I find it quite the opposite. Because we "think" we should know all the answers, we block ourselves from "not knowing" them. And as a coach, we all know that stepping into the unknown is where...

Welcome to another episode of Soul Chat! I am your host Eb Tutora, and today I wanted to highlight what I hear when working with clients, or simply those around me. Many of us want love, success, and peace, but oftentimes we are skipping the steps it takes to get there. Can you still manifest things by skipping steps? Hell yes! But, I believe that they’ll always be what we KINDA wanted, and not the exact thing. Making sure we cover ALL bases, allows us time to grow, gain wisdom, and ENJOY the process. There’s so much sauce in this podcast, so dive in and get ready for a conversation deeper than the surface. Love it? Share it with 3-5 people that you know! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. Support this podcast:

Welcome to Soul Chat with your host Ebony M. Tutora. A podcast dedicated to diving beneath the surface level conversations... and going into the depths of the soul. Today I had the honor of interviewing the amazing ShaVaughn Elle, a writer/poet, holistic practitioner, spiritualist, and sex/pleasure specialist. THIS conversation was everything. We discussed the meaning of sex, and how society has blurred our vision on the sacredness of it. We've been shamed into denying ourselves the right to feel pleasure. ShaVaughn touches on the many forms of femininity so women can stop shaming other women for their unique expression of their sex. We also covered all things taboo, and the powerful way to tap into pleasure at ANY moment. This conversation is bigger than sex, as it is a re-education of what know to be true. It is an inquiry into age-old beliefs that may be rooted in fear, lies, and a need to control a specific narrative. Obviously, since numbers don't lie... we know that porno is e...

Welcome to Soul Chat with your host Ebony M. Tutora. A podcast dedicated to diving beneath the surface level conversations... and going into the depths of the soul. Today I had the honor of interviewing the amazing Chief Grief Crusader, Herdyne Mercier. In this episode we speak about grief, and how many times we may not even recognize that we are experiencing grief. It may be grief induced by the loss of a job, a lifestyle, a child, a partner, and so many other ways. Herdyne truly shows up in her power, and knowing of redefining the way we processing emotions. Intellectual intelligence is one thing, but your emotional intelligence is everything. More about her: I believe that happiness and sadness exist in a delicate balance. The goal is to not allow our unhappiness to overtake the good times, the successes and the laughter and joys in order to maintain our emotional well-being. Dealing with grief has piqued my interest since I was a little girl. I remember attending funerals with m...

Welcome to Soul Chat with your host Ebony M. Tutora. A podcast dedicated to diving beneath the surface level conversations... and going into the depths of the soul. In this episode I was graced by a phenomenal soul- Chad Black. We discussed the power of being alone sparked by his book "The Power of Being Alone." We dove into the small, simple lessons that God teaches us when we are open to hearing, and more importantly learning ourselves. His wisdom can be felt, and heard. After connecting with him on an amazing clubhouse room, I knew I had to share his wisdom with my audience. I am sure that per usual, you will take something amazing away from this. So get your pen and notebook ready for another soul-shifting conversation! More about Chad: He purposely doesn't have an extravagant bio, but here's what his IG says: - - - - . Connect with him here: Buy his book and invest in his candles! You won't regret it! Support the podcast...

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