The Copywriter Club Podcast

The Copywriter Club Podcast

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Ideas and habits worth stealing from top copywriters.

300 podcast episodes later and Rob and Kira STILL have things to talk about… That’s copywriters for you. On this episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast, Kira and Rob sit down and answer questions from their listeners and reflect over the last 300 episodes while looking forward to the future of TCC. Here’s how the episode goes: * The act of mentally preparing for big changes – and getting back to your old self AFTER big changes. * Running a business as a parent of young children and going through the motions. * Is The Copywriting Club a thing? * Rediscovering passions and adding more fun * What does the future of TCC look like? * The worst business advice Kira and Rob have received in growing their business. * If they were to start it all over – What would they do differently? * Mistakes Rob and Kira have made along the way and how they’ve learned from them. * Rob and Kira’s go-to podcasts – Do they have favorites? * What was the tipping point for the podcast? * The current b...

Belinda Ellsworth is our guest on the 299th episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast. Belinda is a drummer turned direct sales expert who opens the conversation about mastering your craft. She is the author of a #1 international best seller, “Direct Selling for Dummies,” and successfully grew her podcast which is part of the iHeartRadio platform. Take a peek inside Belinda’s genius: * Belinda’s journey from rock band to a side-hustle in direct sales. * Becoming a sales and motivational speaker and transitioning into a consultant helping companies scale from $1-$20 million. * Why Belinda decided to go all-in on a podcast – and her invitation to iHeartRadio. * How being a drummer set her up for success in every other area of her career. * The secret behind Belinda’s success in podcast growth and becoming a skilled interviewer. * How mastering your craft will accelerate your growth, career, and lifestyle. * The importance of vetting guests before letting them jump on the show. * Ho...

On the 298th episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast, Avi Webb joins the show. Avi is a copywriter who specializes in naming businesses and offers (not an easy task). Is there a method to the madness? Avi spills his secrets to his research and creativity processes, and how you can tap into the naming market. Check out the goods: * Avi’s transition from creative writing to persuasive writing. * Why is there a lack of emphasis on copy? * Are there any advantages to design vs copy first? * How design and copy are two separate languages and how to navigate both. * The better way to work with designers, so each vision can come to life. * What kind of communication needs to happen between designers and copywriters? * How Avi became the name guy. * Do you have to love everything about copy? * How to find your unique, comfy, copywriting chair. * Is there a method to charging for taglines and names and how are you supposed to communicate the value? * Avi’s naming process – What happens bef...

Our guest for the 297th episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast is Mary Adkins. Mary is an author and writing coach who helps her clients start and publish a book. She walks through her process to writing her first book and how she’s gone on to publish three. This episode is the journey of getting permission to pursue the passion project that so often gets left on the backburner and to fully embrace where your creativity takes you. And it goes like… * Mary’s journey from law to fiction author in the span of a few years. * The affirmations Mary kept top of mind when there was too much rejection to count. * Feedback – What’s the right way to get feedback without crushing your vision? * What is your first draft meant to be? * The reality of how we give feedback and why it’s all wrong. * How to find the topic you are meant to write about and how to open it with curiosity. * Building the skill of perseverance when you feel like your story belongs in the gutter. * How to create somet...

On the 296th episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast, Grace Fortune joins the show. Grace a copywriter and course strategist for copywriters who are looking to launch a digital product. She uses the C.O.U.R.S.E framework to guide her clients through the launch process, and in this episode she gives our audience an inside look at how it works. Here’s how the episode breaks down: * Grace’s transition from virtual assistant to copywriter to course strategist. * How she overcame her fear of calling herself a copywriter. * How she used her virtual assistant experience to carry over into the launch and marketing world. * Why she decided to start controlling the narrative and how it’s helped her grow her referral network. * Grace’s ‘why’ for helping copywriters create offers. * The C.O.U.R.S.E framework and how you can use it for your own offers. * When should we launch a course or digital product? * Is it ever too soon to launch a product? * The importance of collecting the right dat...

Ed Gandia joins The Copywriter Club Podcast for its 295th episode. Ed is a business building coach and strategist for business writers and copywriters. He helps his client by teaching them to build habits, strategies, and techniques that help them earn more in less time. In this episode, he debunks the “sales” status quo and gives valuable insight on how copywriters can become better salespeople. Here’s how the conversation went down: * Ed’s background in software sales and how it was the catalyst for his copywriting career. * How Ed went from 6-figures in software sales to a 6-figure copywriting business in 27 months. * The play-by-play on how Ed acquired clients with no formal copywriting training. * Why he niched down and how that helped him nail his messaging. * The 4 questions to decide which niche is right for you. * How to tap into your current network when it feels “awkward.” * What if you’re a copywriter with no sales experience… How do you close leads? * The realit...

On the 294th episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast, Nicole Morton joins the show to talk about her experience in product development and how it’s helped her build her copywriting career. From creating products to qualifying them in the current market to writing copy for them, Nicole laid out the whole process. Here’s how the conversation went: * How Dollies helped Nicole get her start in the product development industry. * From idea to store shelf – How to qualify a product to get into the market. * How product development can translate to building a copywriting business. * The current trends in the copywriting and marketing industry. * How to look for trends in your industry. * Creating ideas for a product – How do we actually start coming up with ideas? * The practical application for brainstorming names for your products. * How to uplevel and refine your current skills as you build new ones. * Identifying which of your skills are transferable and how you can leverage your ba...

On the 293rd episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast, Marcella Allison comes back on the show. When she first joined the show, she was in the midst of building The Mentoress Collective, and now after 7 years, it’s time for her to pack it up and leave behind a legacy. In this episode, she talks about her decision to move on and the chance you have to get your hands on what she’s built for a steal. Here’s how the conversation breaks down: * What was The Mentoress Collective all about? * The difficult decision that entrepreneurs are faced with when growing their brands and businesses. * What’s changed in the marketing space since the beginning of The Mentoress Collective? * Step by step tips to find a mentor – The do’s and don’ts. * Is it possible to have too many mentors? * The real difference between a copy chief and a business mentor – Which do YOU need? * How the most successful copywriters use these two things to create high-converting copy, and how you can use them too. * ...

Jocelyn Brady is our guest for the 292nd episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast. Jocelyn is a brain and story coach who helps her clients create more out of their lives. She is a former copywriter whose fascination with neuroscience led her down a new path. Here’s how the conversation goes: * Pig brains – How the heck did they encourage Jocelyn to go down a path of neuroscience? * How tragic events can change the direction of our lives and careers. * How Jocelyn built her copywriting business and agency by accident and worked with big time clients like Nokia, SunTrust, and Prudential. * How persistence is key to building a successful business and why you should think of your business as an experiment. * Making a more interesting ‘about’ page and how to get people curious. * Is everyone a natural storyteller? * Jocelyn’s S.T.O.R.Y framework and how you can apply it to your own stories. * Where do most copywriters mess up when telling stories? * The key to driving the sale versus...

Lander Sulser is our guest for the 291st episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast. Lander is a marketing strategist and launch copywriter who helps her clients optimize their offer using her signature framework. Whether you’re trying to help your own clients with their offers or you’re creating your own, be sure to tune into the episode. Check out the conversation: * Not knowing how the hell you get to your dreams, but you know you have them. * The benefits of using mastermind to leverage your skills and business. * How you could get the “in” with big names in the industry by knowing one person. * The other benefits and value you can provide as a copywriter other than just the writing component. * The process of creating the name for your offer. * How to create an irresistible offer in 4 simple steps. * What has changed in creating offers since the pandemic? * How to hone in on your BIG promise, so your message isn’t diluted. * The guarantee – How should we approach it? * What w...

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