The Ecommerce Influence Podcast

The Ecommerce Influence Podcast

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My name is Austin Brawner, and my purpose is to help eCommerce entrepreneurs build wealth and live more fulfilled lives. You can expect weekly interviews with world-class eCommerce operators, deep dives into what's working right now, and a refreshing break from the "crush-it culture" plaguing our industry. This podcast will change your perspective on building a business, and, hopefully, change your life.

Austin and Lily revisit their 2022 eComm wins and learnings and opportunities and share what should remain in focus and what should be top of mind for the second half of the year. 2022 has been been a wild ride thus far for everyone, and BGE is no exception. Austin welcomed his first child, BGE has restructured and added a new program, and there are a ton of moving parts in DTC, the economy, and the world already this year. Austin & Lily revisit their February predictions and share their updated opportunities & challenges for the remainder of 2022. What You’ll Learn From This Episode: The 100 x 30 challenge The current Ecomm environment - Austin’s take TikTok and leveraging influencer audiences The current economy and risk of recession SMS is still a big opportunity What is the 7-Figure Founder program? Crypto and the loss of wealth so far in 2022 Preparing for lead times Has DTC failed overall? BGE Intensive coming up in Q4 Books Austin has enjoyed recently Lily’s summer reads Resources: 7-Figure Founder (Get Austin Brawner's help & scale to 7 figures) @BrandGrowthX on Twitter Review or subscribe on iTunes

Quick win: A lesson from the big brands - you grow faster and smarter when you have focused simplicity. Key Takeaways: How to address the needs of the consumer - with focus Simplicity as a growth strategy Resources: Grab our Growth Pack for founders 7-Figure Founders Program (get help from Austin Brawner to grow your business to 7 figures) @BrandGrowthX on Twitter Review or subscribe on iTunes

What really is the relationship between site speed and conversion rate? How important is UX when it comes to running a fast eComm site? Learn how to run a fast site and where to focus on optimizing your user experience from a UX expert. What You’ll Learn From This Episode: How running a fast eComm site can be challenging (and what to do about it) How your focus on optimization and site speed will evolve as your business grows How to prioritize design vs function What headless eCommerce is and why you should care Resources: SpeedSense 7-Figure Founder (Get Austin Brawner's help & scale to 7 figures) @BrandGrowthX on Twitter Review or subscribe on iTunes

The best practices for email to help you prep your email list and collect customer info to drive more sales and make your holiday campaigns easier. Whether you plan to run holiday campaigns or not this year this episode will help you improve your email marketing with some quick tips and long-term strategies you can start using today. What You’ll Learn From This Episode: How to make your email list work harder for you (drive more sales) Best strategies for re-engaging with a cold email list How to routinely clean your email list Winning with post-purchase surveys Using flows and when to A/B test How to increase your email capture performance Resources: Download our Email Map Validate your email list: Zero Bounce How to remove false opens from your list (Klaviyo) 7-Figure Founder (Get Austin Brawner's help & scale to 7 figures) @BrandGrowthX on Twitter Review or subscribe on iTunes

Quick win: Austin shares the pros and cons of the EOS method outlined in the book Traction and his tips on how to apply this business process to your eCommerce company. Key Takeaways: How to focus on the things that move the needle How to be strategic in your planning, without getting overwhelmed Resources: Grab our Growth Pack for founders 7-Figure Founders Program (get help from Austin Brawner to grow your business to 7 figures) @BrandGrowthX on Twitter Review or subscribe on iTunes

An active media buyer shares the nuances of the “new” Facebook platform and some paid social wins right now. If you are struggling with your ad performance right now or if you’re trying to learn more about Facebook advertising and how the platform works you will learn a lot here. We all know what a nightmare ad performance has been in the last 12 months so this episode is to give insight into how some eComm brands are managing their ads accounts right now and give you some tips and ideas to improve your own performance. What You’ll Learn From This Episode: Big ideas for acquisition and retention marketing right now If Facebook is still a viable growth channel for brands with smaller marketing budgets What a successful marketing mix might look like for early-stage 6-figure eComm brands Analytics and how to track your KPIs when data is skewed Sustainability and the future of ethical eCommerce Resources: 7-Figure Founder (Get Austin Brawner's help & scale to 7 figures) @BrandGrowthX on Twitter Review or subscribe on iTunes

Quick win: customer satisfaction can be a gold mine for marketing. You can build brand virality through word of mouth. Key Takeaways: How to build and use net promoter score Using customer feedback to build the product they want Resources: Grab our Growth Pack for founders 7-Figure Founders Program (get help from Austin Brawner to grow your business to 7 figures) @BrandGrowthX on Twitter Review or subscribe on iTunes

It’s time to reflect and refocus. Our tips to make sure you’re on track to have a winning Q3 and Q4 this year. The first half of this episode focuses on how to get organized and reflect on the first half of the year. The second half of this episode will give you some high level areas to focus on in Q3 and what to look ahead to for Q4. You’ll leave with a checklist that you can run through in your own business to ensure you’re focused on the things that will scale your business and keep you on track to hit your revenue goals. What You’ll Learn From This Episode: How to conduct a teamwide 90-day review How to do a quarterly/ half year personal reflection Prep checklist for holiday campaigns Campaign ideas for right now Resources: 7-Figure Founder (Get Austin Brawner's help & scale to 7 figures) @BrandGrowthX on Twitter Review or subscribe on iTunes

Quick win: how to prioritize email flows that drive the most revenue, and not waste time on one's that won't. Key Takeaways: How to prioritize your time when working on email marketing The email flows to consider starting with based on the type of business you have How you can increase & improve your flows as your business grows Resources: Grab our Growth Pack for founders 7 Figure Founder (get help from Austin Brawner to grow your business to 7 figures) @BrandGrowthX on Twitter Review or subscribe on iTunes

Understanding human behavior will bring you more customers and increase your conversion rate. It’s the psychology of UX design for eCommerce. Psychologist and expert UX designer Alina Prelicz-Zawadzka gives an insider view into why we do what we do, and how you can use that to improve your website. What You’ll Learn From This Episode: How humans think and how your site should be designed to support that The best practices for UX design right now Simple things to help you increase your conversion rate Why data is so important to design, and what you can do to not get overwhelmed by it Mobile and video best practices and opportunities Survey questions that get answers Resources: 7-Figure Founder (Get Austin Brawner's help & scale to 7 figures) @BrandGrowthX on Twitter Review or subscribe on iTunes

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