The Mike Wagner Show

The Mike Wagner Show

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A 30+year radio veteran, Mike interviews the most amazing in the world today from actors to singers to musicians to comedians to famous celebrities and upcoming talent and the most amazing people in the world today! Mike can also be heard weekends playing your favorites on KFYR!

Chicago actor Dan Kairis talks about his amazing career in show business including how he got started in show business at 64 after missing the opportunity to appear in “Transformers: Age of Extinction” when out of state for an unscheduled shoot , later credited in numerous productions over the last two years including “Chicago Fire” , “Chicago Med”, etc., and how he got the nickname “Mr. Hollywood” and more! Checkout the amazing Dan Kairis on all streaming platforms including the Roku channel and more! #dankairis #actor #chicago #mrhollywood #transformers #ageofextinction #chicagofire #rokuchannel #roku #amazon #audible #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #itunes #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerdankairis #themikewagnershowdankairis

20-year-old author Ella Colic talks about her new book “Trees Without Roots” a true story about her father and her aunt’s heroic painful journey dodging mortars and seeing death growing up trying to escape the Bosnian War and believes what Ukrainian children are going through today! Ella began her book at 15 when she was handed a pile of letters by her relatives written by her Dad and aunt during the war and discusses the real cost of war! Find out more about the amazing Ella Colic and her latest book on Amazon and other major retailers! #ellacolic #author #treeswithoutroots #bosnianwar #ukraine #Bosnia #war #therealcostofwar #amazon #audible #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #itunes #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerellacolic #themikewagnershowellacolic

Founder of Chemical Free Body Tim James talks about how he founded the organization to help ignite their highest excitement in life and rescue one gut at a time! Tim shares his story about suffering from numerous health issues and watching his friends die of cancer plus teaches The Daily Detox and the three ingredients you should never consume! Find out more about the amazing Tim James and how to be healthy at today! #timjames #chemicalfreebody #dailydetox #listentoyourgut #guthealth #amazon #audible #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #itunes #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnertimejames #themikewagnershowtimjames

Multi-talented singer/songwriter Mark Mason of Ampage talks about his new release “Sky is Falling” from the soon-to-be released “Falling Higher” documentary and soundtrack following the story of Ampage plus “Season in Hell” and Mark Mason spanning 4 decades from the 80’s Sunset Strip to the ‘90’s stadium tours to today! Ampage has released 8 albums and involved in 9 movies including Disney’s “Brink” plus toured and opened for Def Leppard, Blue Oyster Cult, Poison, Eric Clapton, and Billy Idol for over 40 years and Mark’s work has been featured in “I’m Dangerous Tonight”, “Bikini Summer 2”, “Mortal Fear” and more! Check out the amazing Mark Mason of Ampage on all streaming platforms and today! #markmason #ampage #skyisfalling #seasoninhell #fallinghigher #sunsetstrip #brink #defleppard #blueoystercult #billyidol #mortalfear #amazon #audible #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #itunes #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow...

Best-selling, award-winning queen of children’s music Laurie Berkner celebrates the 25th anniversary of her first album “Whaddaya Think of That?” plus “We Are The Dinosaurs”, “I Know A Chicken”, “The Cat Came Back” and has averaged more than 22+ million monthly streams and millions of DVD’s and CD’s sold! Laurie also talks about how she got started back in ’92 and performing with her band at Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, The White House, etc., her debut DVD entering Billboard at #1 as the first-ever children’s music DVD and her upcoming 15th release in 2022! Check out the amazing Laurie Berkner on all streaming platforms and today! #laurieberkner #childrensmusic #whaddayathinkofthat #wearethedinosaurs #iknowachicken #thecatcameback #25thanniversary #lincolncenter #carnegiehall #amazon #audible #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #itunes #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerlaurieberkner #themikewagnershowla...

Award-winning music publisher, management consultant and entertainment executive Chris Keaton talks about his amazing career in the industry! Chris is also a 28-year voting member of the Recording Academy based in Nashville, a member of the North Carolina Music Hall of Fame (Band of Oz, 2016) and Macy’s Style Crew, plus he co-authored “The 7 Stupid Mistakes People Make Trying To Get Into The Music Business” and the author of “Dapper” and the podcast host of “Random Acts”! Find out more about the amazing Chris Keaton on all platforms and today! #chriskeaton #musicpublisher #managementconsultant #nashville #recordingacademy #northcarolinamusichalloffame #bandofoz #dapper #randomactspodcast #amazon #audible #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #itunes #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerchriskeaton #themikewagnershowchriskeaton

Boston-area DJ and host Kayden Gordon of “The Kayden Gordon Show: Today’s Best Country Mix” talks about his passion for country music, including how he got started at a young age and also the owner of “Kayden Gordon Radio Network”! Kayden has also interviewed numerous celebrities including Ayla Brow, Samantha Rae from Whisky 6, Rich Fields from “The Price is Right” , CBS’ Ryan Phoung of “Young Sheldon” and has been featured in Nashville Country Magazine and more! Check out the amazing Kayden Gordon on all streaming platforms and today! #kaydengordon #thekaydengordonshow #boston #todaysbestcountrymix #countrymusic #DJ #kaydengordonradionetwork #aylabrow #richfields #whisky6 #thepriceisright #nashvillecountrymagazine #amazon #audible #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #itunes #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerkaydengordon #themikewagnershowkaydengordon

Award-winning actress, acting teacher, and director From New Mexico Michelle Tomlinson talks about her latest documentary “Edge” inspired by a conversation with former Governor James Mountain of San Ildefonso Pueblo about language being a living thing that can die and lead to catastrophic events for Native American cultures! Michelle was also the 2020 recipient for the Bronze Best Director & Web TV pilot “Deeply Superficial” plus has appeared in “The Cellar Door”, “Brain Dead”, “Undercurrent”, etc. and coaches actor of every age, ability and experience to learn more about the craft of acting and getting out of their own way! Check out the amazing Michelle Tomlinson and her latest documentary plus all her works on all streaming platforms and today! #michelletomlinson #newmexico #edge #documentary #nativeamercian #pueblo #deeplysuperficial #actress #actingcoach #amazon #audible #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #itunes #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #...

Veteran singer/songwriter Tom Tikka is back with his latest release “Better Man” featuring “I’m Done With Blues”, “The Holy Grail of Truth”, “Venetian Rubber Boots” plus the hit single “By 2022” and most recently celebrated 20 years of music being nominated for 5 ISSA awards for this year! Check out the latest from award-winning Tom Tikka at today! #tomtikka #singer #songwriter #betterman #imdonewtihblues #theholygrailoftruth #venetianrubberboots #by2022 #ISSA #amazon #audible #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #itunes #googleplay #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnertomtikka #themikewagnershowtomtikka

Veteran coin collector/host of Rare Collectibles TV Jack McNamara talks about how he got started in coin-collecting at 5 years tracing back to his great-great-grandfather collecting Lincoln wheat pennies from his grandfather Howard Enders, and later collected coins from around the world leading up to becoming a coin buyer and later the co-founder/host of Rare Collectible TV (RCTV) with Rick Tomaska! Jack also shares amazing stories about rare coins, unusual coins, historical coins, the stories behind the coins, shares information on what to look for in collectible coins and the rarest coin worth a million dollars (find out what it is)! Check out the amazing Jack McNamara on RCTV at today! #jackmcnamara #coincollector #coin #rarecollectibleTV #RCTV #whatpennies #lincoln #rarecoins #amazon #audible #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #itunes #googleplay #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerjackmcnamara #themikewagners...

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