The Striving Artist

The Striving Artist

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The podcast for creative people working towards BIG goals. Listen in on candid conversations that dive deep into making art, making a living and making it all work as a modern-day artist. We’re your hosts, Stefan Kunz and Lauren Hom. We’re lettering artists, entrepreneurs, and most importantly friends, and we’re so excited you’re here. So pull up a seat in our virtual studio and join the creative conversation!

Welcome to the Striving Artist, the podcast for creative people working towards big goals. In this episode Lauren and Stefan will be talking about what's coming up next for the Striving Artist Podcast. So pull up a seat in our virtual studio and join the creative conversation! --- Send in a voice message:

Welcome to the Striving Artist, the podcast for creative people working towards big goals. In this episode Lauren and Stefan will be talking about how to make your content work for you on multiple platforms and how it's ok to get help, when the work load gets too much. To grow sometimes means growing your business and hiring employees, but what does it mean being a good boss? So pull up a seat in our virtual studio and join the creative conversation! --- Send in a voice message:

Welcome to the Striving Artist, the podcast for creative people working towards big goals. In this episode Lauren and Stefan will be talking about the pressures they feel about running a business under their name, while also being the boss and managing employees. So pull up a seat in our virtual studio and join the creative conversation! --- Send in a voice message:

Welcome to the Striving Artist, the podcast for creative people working towards big goals. In this episode Lauren and Stefan will be talking about if our devices, social media accounts and what we follow help us or hinder us in being more successful in what we do. So pull up a seat in our virtual studio and join the creative conversation! --- Send in a voice message:

Welcome to the Striving Artist, the podcast for creative people working towards big goals. In this episode Lauren and Stefan will be talking about how to legally protect yourself and your business with contracts and lawyers, setting expectations with clients and consumers. So pull up a seat in our virtual studio and join the creative conversation! --- Send in a voice message:

Welcome to the Striving Artist, the podcast for creative people working towards big goals. Carrying on from last Episode, in this episode Lauren and Stefan will be talking about their respective goals for 2020, from a list of questions Stefan has posted to his Instagram. So pull up a seat in our virtual studio and join the creative conversation! --- Send in a voice message:

Welcome to the Striving Artist, the podcast for creative people working towards big goals. In this episode Lauren and Stefan will be reflecting on the past year, mentioning some of their highlights and low points. So pull up a seat in our virtual studio and join the creative conversation! --- Send in a voice message:

Welcome to the Striving Artist, the podcast for creative people working towards big goals. In this episode Lauren and Stefan will be talking about how to maximise your time to master you craft. If you only have 30 minutes each day to improve your skills, what's the best approach to advance. So pull up a seat in our virtual studio and join the creative conversation! --- Send in a voice message:

Welcome to the Striving Artist, the podcast for creative people working towards big goals. In this episode Lauren and Stefan will be talking about how comparing yourself to your previous successes can give you drive but sometimes it can also slow you down, if you have not reached your goals. If you get down on yourself about not having achieved what you set out to achieve, take a step back and examine your accomplishments. So pull up a seat in our virtual studio and join the creative conversation! --- Send in a voice message:

Welcome to the Striving Artist, the podcast for creative people working towards big goals. In this episode Lauren and Stefan will be talking about how comparing yourself to your previous successes can give you drive but sometimes it can also slow you down, if you have not reached your goals. If you get down on yourself about not having achieved what you set out to achieve, take a step back and examine your accomplishments. So pull up a seat in our virtual studio and join the creative conversation! --- Send in a voice message:

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