With Tenzin Kiyosaki. The host for this episode is Mark Shklov. The guest for this episode is Tenzin Kiyosaki. We discuss Tenzin’s personal life experiences and how to face the stresses and strains of current events of life and life’s end with gratitude, appreciation, contentment, love, and forgiveness.
Fighting Election Loss is Good For Business. The host for this episode is Tim Apicella. The guests for this episode are Jay Fidell, Stephanie Dalton, Cynthia Sinclair and Winston Welch. Trump Lost the popular vote Biden's 80M to his 73M and Biden's Electoral College vote of 306 to his 232. He lost over 55 court challenges, to include SCOTUS refusal to hear the cases due to lack of legal standing. All 50 states have certified the vote, some recounted two-three times, and today electors confirmed Biden's 309 electoral tally. That's the end of Trump's contesting the election? Not so fast. Why stop when his New PAC , Saving America has pulled in $225M since Nov. 3rd. Expect Trump's cries of fraud will continue to extract every dime from his faithful followers, Losing is indeed profitable and good for Trump.
Because Security Matters. The host for this episode is Cameron Javdani. The guest for this episode is Derek van der Vorst. The use of audio analytics in security systems for event detection, verification, and response.
Keli'i Akina interviews economist De Rugy. The host for this episode is Keli'i Akina. The guest for this episode is Veronique de Rugy. Hawaii’s unemployment insurance system is in crisis, with stalled payments, rampant fraud, and massive debt leading to higher taxes. Is there a better way to help the unemployed? International economist Veronique de Rugy says yes based on her study of best practices across the nation and the world. In this episode, Grassroot Institute president Keli’i Akina and De Rugy discuss possible solutions for Hawaii‘s unemployment insurance needs.
Beyond Washington Place. The host for this episode is Rusty Komori. The guest for this episode is Dawn Amano-Ige. We talk with First Lady Dawn about her passion for early literacy with young children, her Jump Start Breakfast Initiative, and promoting healthy living in Hawaii.
Vitamin D-3, alternative 'vaccine'. The host for this episode is Howard Wiig. The guest for this episode is Malcolm Ing, MD. We are missing three low-cost means of eradicating the Covid-19: 1) Taking vitamin D-3 as an immune system enhancer; 2) targeting outbreak clusters rather than randomly shutting down all economic sectors; 3) carefully reopen businesses not affected by the Covid; monitor precisely; expand or contract accordingly.
For Watching and Playing in Style. The host for this episode is Katharine Nohr. The guest for this episode is Whale Shark. We discuss how E1337 apparel is different from other apparel brands and how it can be found at the E1337 Metaverse store on the Cryptovoxels platform. Whale Shark will explain that for each purchase of E1337, customers will receive a Non-Fungible token, his vision for these tokens, and how the brand uses Blockchain to its advantage.
It's All About the Music. The host for this episode is Gwen Harris. The guest for this episode is Adrian Crutchfield. We discuss the career of Adrian Crutchfield, what he has done and what he has been doing during this pandemic to keep busy.
ThinkTech is a Hawaii 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Please support us by making a donation. http://www.thinktechhawaii.com Tools for Staying Calm in a Time of Coronavirus. In this current moment of fear, loss, suffering, distress, and uncertainty, staying calm has become a major concern for everyone. What do the world’s wisdom traditions teach that will help us navigate this critical moment in shared human history? Today we will talk again with Dr. Karma Lekshe Tsomo, professor of Buddhism and World Religions at the University of San Diego, a founder of Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women and the founder/director of Jamyang Foundation, a charitable organization that provides education to girls and women in India, Bangladesh, and other developing countries. The host for this episode is Winston Welch. The guest for this episode is Karma Lekshe Tsomo.
ThinkTech is a Hawaii 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Please support us by making a donation. http://www.thinktechhawaii.com What do they mean. Michael Davis will help us understand what has happened in Hong over the weekend and what it means for Hong Kong's stability and relationship with the PRC, its effort to limit the coronavirus and rebuild its economy. The host for this episode is Jay Fidell. The guest for this episode is Michael Davis.