Unlocking Your Inner Strength

Unlocking Your Inner Strength

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Unlocking Your Inner Strength is about finding your inner and outer strengths. Learn how you can step into your greatness. This show blends Mind Mapping, philosophy and a lifetime of being a strength coach and bodybuilder.

As I’ve gotten back into the training aspect at Newell Strength, I have really been enjoying listening to and thinking about the philosophy of some of the bodybuilding greats. Men that have inspired me and that have played a huge role in my development. Socrates has a quote that resonated with what I have been thinking alot about lately, ‘No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.’ You shape your mind through your body. Your body is the temple, treat it as such and watch how your philosophy of life changes. Here are some great clips with some of the characters I mentioned in the episode: Mike Mentzer- https://youtu.be/WBVaSNYNGkY Lee Haney- https://youtu.be/aAcWOy7E1uk Dorian Yates- https://youtu.be/hR4JL1AN0e8 Arnold- https://youtu.be/u_ktRTWMX3M

On the way home from Italy, I was able to read an entire book, ‘Yes to Life’, which had a few golden nuggets in it. In today’s episode, I talk about: -happiness -fulfillment in life -the purpose of life (it’s not set in stone) And much more. Don’t say no to life when it gets tough, accept it as part of your journey. Enjoy the episode!

Way back in the years of 1995-1998, I was developing the foundation for the Newell Strength training principles. As time has gone on, some of the stuff has become a little more popular with the masses, but much is still unique. Some of the principles in today's episode include: -Training at or near an anaerobic and anabolic threshold -Movement first, then strength -A game of angles -The mind muscle connection -Grip and mental toughness training And more. Take a listen and share with a friend!

It was very fitting that I would be finishing up my 30-day squat challenge while in Italy. And, it turned out that I actually finished on the night of my brother’s wedding, on the dance floor, with about 5 other people joining in. In the latest episode of Unlocking Your Inner Strength, I discuss the Italian’s key to health, what I did for my own personal fitness while traveling abroad and the wild life that the 30-day squat challenge wound up taking on.

Your state of mind determines your reality. Yet, most people get stuck in a bad state of mind. It’s almost as if they feel they have no control over their thoughts. And if you have no control over your thoughts, you’ll have no control over your feelings. That’s when life can become a very slippery slope. In today’s episode of Unlocking Your Inner Strength, I share with you 5 things you can do that can help you feel in control again and nearly always be the master of your mind.

Principles are few, methods are many. Here is my Mt. Rushmore of fitness principles that I feel are the most important to focus on to stay young, strong and powerful.

On May 20th, we had our 2 year anniversary of opening up successfully in the midst of Covid, against the Governor’s wishes. It came out better than anyone could have anticipated. We lived by our principles and values in that moment and it paid off. When you lead with the goodness of your heart, you can never go wrong. Here is a recap of that story, two years later.

I went for a 2 mile run this weekend. Last year, I dabbled a bit more with running and I am glad I did. While I don’t have any aspirations at this moment for doing any competitive running, my run this past weekend made me think about standards for training. In today’s episode, I cover things that I think you should be able to do and/or work towards when survival is the name of the game. Using survival as a frame of reference puts fitness and strength into perspective. Take a listen and enjoy!

15 years ago, I began Newell Strength. It was and is my passion. It is also my profession, that of being a Coach. Heading into this year, I developed a strategy, along with Devon, to get it to where I know it can be. I knew that ultimately, it all falls on me, I take responsibility and ownership. In today’s episode, I share with you why now, my role and what this means for Newell Strength.

I first began experimenting with cheat days and re-feeds way back in the year 2002. There was hardly any resources back then regarding this topic. After a college department head had no answers for me, I realized that I was on my own and that I'd have to figure out for myself how the human body really worked when it came to trying to pack on muscle or drop serious body fat. In this episode of Unlocking Your Inner Strength, I go into things such as super-compensation, unreal appetites and food hangovers.

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