The Modern Customer Podcast
31min2022 MAY 31


Many consumers want to follow a healthy diet, but do they really know what they’re consuming? That question was the driving force behind Spindrift, a sparkling beverage focused on ingredient simplicity and transparency. For founder Bill Creelman, the idea was simple: people should know what they’re drinking. That customer-first mindset is at the core of Spindrift, from the products that are created to the messages that are shared. Here are three ways Bill Creelman practices customer-centric leadership: 1 . He leverages a core group of passionate customers. When Creelman first started Spindrift, he spent two years running the business from his house and traveling the country talking to customers about drinks. He realized there was a passionate group of people who loved sparkling beverages but weren’t happy with the current options. That group turned into Spindrift’s “Drifter” community, which now has more than 800,000 members and serves as a powerful sounding board for the company. Creelman leads the charge to stay in contact with these customers, listen to their ideas and feedback and even have them test new flavors. He set the stage for embracing one-on-one customer relationships and prioritizing listening to each individual. 2 . He unites employees around the mission of the brand. Taking on established beverage companies is a tall order. But Creelman unites his 100-plus passionate employees around the mission of using real ingredients and innovating the beverage industry. Every employee sees the value of their work to increase transparency and create a great product. Creelman says the team doesn’t think of what they do as selling sparkling water but about converting people to a better alternative. That mission to be transparent and use real ingredients acts as a guiding force for employees and keeps them focused on customers in everything they do. 3 . He builds trust and transparency. Creelman’s conversations with customers and employees revealed the importance of trust. Customers want to trust a brand and know what they are drinking, and employees want to trust the company they are working for. Creelman built Spindrift to deliver in both of those areas with transparency. Spindrift puts all of its ingredients right on the front of its cans—no jargon or buzzwords, just the truth about what is in each product. Creelman says it feels distrustful to build relationships with customers without really telling them what’s in the product. Being open and honest with customers shows employees the importance of authenticity and encourages them to be their true selves at work as they interact with customers. Bill Creelman sets the tone for CX and has grown Spindrift into a customer-centric company that delivers great products and strong relationships. ________ Blake Morganis a customer experience futurist, keynote speaker, and author of the bestselling bookThe Customer Of The Future.For regular updates on customer experience,sign up for her weekly newsletter here.
