Dr. Lisa Gives a Sh*t
59min2022 MAY 24
Play Episode


As I’ve known Eryn for all the years she’s been with RFB, we’ve been able to watch her advance in her life/career. At our last session, several years ago, Eryn was emerging from too much of “catering to others.” In this session, we get to hear some bold moves Eryn has made in her life/career, including returning to school to learn professional audio engineering.. At the time of this session, Eryn has just finished school literally less than a week earlier. We get to hear about her full-on job hunt, a valuable new friend and share some of the excitement/trepidation as she embarks on the next phase in her life. I’m excited to see where she lands. I’ll report in again when it happens!

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DLG304 Jake Flores talks comedy and polyamory. He's really thought these topics through!


DLG1828 I get to meet Portia Munson, a big artist hero and influence on me and a lot of artists..


DLG303 Did Ben Davis's childhood give him an extra dose of objectivity when writing about art?


DLG302 Holly DeRito talks about the connection between training dogs and being a Dominatrix.


DLG301 Artist Eric Doeringer latest project involves launching rockets into space.


DLG300 Dr. Lisa did an art installation with Sharilyn Neidhardt in a gallery. Here's a lively discussion about it with the gallerists/curators, Charlene Stevens and Rolman K., moderated by artist Christopher Stout.


DLG299 Eryn Levine, Radio Free Brooklyn's Programming Director, is making her future happen.


DLG298 Leigh Celent of Castle Black emerges from the pandemic ready to rock.
