Pod Awful
2h 52min2022 MAY 24


For the past week I've been helping to build and organize a brand new website and Pizza Fund for Pod Awful, so I thought I'd show off the new features and enjoy a relaxed stream watching the Santa Cruz Joker... then Mini Manson showed up. Harlan is angry at the Pod Awful Cult for exposing his paranormal activities, and spent an entire stream bitching about us, and revealing even more horrible details about his life. Turns out those gloves weren't just for pee pee. And just when I think the show is over, Mini Manson has a Mega Meltdown, and turns the show into tech support from Hell. But, hey, it ends with a song! Support the show and get premium content. JOIN THE PIZZA FUND: http://podawful.pizza VIDEO: https://youtu.be/RmrzGwbEuXY RSS FEED: http://feeds.feedburner.com/podawful​ YOUTUBE: http://awful.tube DISCORD: http://podawful.com/discord TWITTER: https://twitter.com/OnlineRetard INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/podawful TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/podawful​ DLIVE: https://dli...

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