The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs, LCSW
30min2022 APR 1
Play Episode


Hello my loves! Omg so busy these days, and was unable to grab the time to do a totally original podcast, so today is an intro from me and a repeat of my podcast on burnout from last fall. I am not sure if I will need to do another hiatus to prepare for all the exciting things coming next in our work together - TBA (so please don't mistake this for an official announcement of a break) but it's a good reminder to PAUSE, and consider how fast you are moving and how much energy you are giving to yourself in your own busy life. I hope you enjoy this reprise, and I'll see you next week! XO n. APRIL RETREAT AT THE ART OF LIVING RETREAT CENTER 4/8-4/10 click below! Get 2 weeks free of the Curable App: My next VIRTUAL RETREAT WEEKEND is May 13-15, 2022. You will receive a copy of my FFCP Course and 4 original guided mediations FREE when you sign up (to use yourself or gift to...

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