Out Now With Aaron and Abe
1h 59min2022 JUN 18
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This month’s Out Now with Aaron and Abe commentary track wants to help anyone in need phone home. Aaron is joined by Brandon Peters, Yancy Berns, and Maxwell Haddad to discuss Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster masterpiece, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Coming out within a week of its 40th anniversary, the group talk about the film from all angles, including where Spielberg developed this idea, the tone of kids' films at the time, what the actors bring to this story, the effectiveness of the E.T. design, and more. There’s plenty more discussion about the nature of the production, what makes this film stand out as a classic, and lots of fun tangents as well. So now, if you’ve got a couple of hours to kill… Follow all of us on Twitter: @Outnow_Podcast, @AaronsPS4, @WalrusMoose, @Cinemaxwell, @Brandon4KUHD, @YancyJack Check out all of our sites and blogs: TheCodeIsZeek.com, Why So Blu?, The Brandon Peters Show, The Milky Way Blues, Ember Productions E.T. – The Ride E.T. – The Video Ga...

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