Career Revisionist with Dr. Grace Lee
1h 10min2021 FEB 10
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You are always selling something. You can be selling products or services, selling your ideas to your boss, or selling your opinions to your friends and family. The Art of Persuasion is a life skill. When you become a more persuasive person, you will get more of the things you desire in life, career, and business. Selling is so much more than making money. I discovered that one way to be more persuasive and more confident in sales is to leverage neuroscience and how our brains work. When you use the "neurochemical release pattern" in your conversations, you'll find that you will be more persuasive with those around you. Join me on this episode as I discuss how to leverage neuroscience to become a more persuasive person in your own life, and also how to take those skills to enroll more clients in your business or workplace. Want to learn how to implement my "neurochemical release pattern" in your conversations? Join my training program and become more persuasive in your life and more...

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