Writing a Resume
23min2020 FEB 14
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Welcome to our annual résumé trends show. It is the only show this year we focus solely on writing and preparing a résumé for your job search. This year, I chose Ashley Watkins to give the 411 on the latest trends in résumé writing. Let me introduce Ashley: She is a nationally certified résumé writer, job search and interview coach, and former recruiter. She is the founder of her company. Write Step Resumes. Her services help clients craft high-quality career documents (résumé and cover letter) and LinkedIn profiles to highlight their unique value offerings and communicate the distinct benefit to the target employer during interviews. Got comments about the show? Here’s how: – Call and leave a voicemail at 708-365-9822, or text your comments to the same number – Go toTheVoiceofJobSeekers.com, press the “Send Voicemail” button on the right side of your screen and leave a message – Send email feedback tomark@thevoiceofjobseekers.com Here are highlights from our convers...

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