The Journey
1h 40min2021 MAY 11
Play Episode


Sidi Mustafa Davis’ timeline follows many in the ‘90s who took their shahada and travelled overseas seeking knowledge. He converted as an atheistic college student after finding clarity in Surah Mariam. Soon after, he met Shaykh Hamza Yousuf and his teachers in California. That led him on a journey to Mauritania, Spain, the UK, Syria, and eventually Yemen with his friend and travel companion Shaykh Yahya Rhodus. While in Tarim, Yemen, his path took a different direction. Habib Omar advised him that media production would be his path to Allah swt. And so he began his work with Habib Ali Al-Jiffri at Guidance Media and Tahbah Foundation. After returning to the U.S. in 2008 he started his own production agency called Mustafa Davis Studios, which he hopes to use to tell stories that would otherwise go untold. Today he is in Turkey studying with Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui, running his production studio and teaching a full-time film training program. In this episode, he takes us on a jour...

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