Grownups Read Princess Stories
35min2022 APR 28
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The Prince Without a Shadow was written by Jeanna Oterdahl (1897-1965) Jeanna Oterdahl was the daughter of Captain Philip Oterdahl and Eva Frögren. She was the eldest of five siblings. After graduating as a teacher in Stockholm in 1901, Oterdahl was employed at Mathilda Hall's school in Gothenburg (where she herself was a student) but at the same time devoted herself to extensive writing. In the 1920s, she reduced her teaching hours and focused on writing. Several of her morning rallies were broadcast on radio all over Sweden, including a speech in the spring of 1944 in which she condemned anti-Semitism . There are several similar examples of her anti-fascism. Among other things, she was critical of the permit traffic through Sweden. Her main role model was Natanael Beskow and Oterdahl became a member of his association, the Association for Christian Social Life . Around 1950, she joined the Quakers , but as early as 1927, one of her characters had met the Quakers. Oterdahl became ...

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