Pulling Favours with Mark & Rory

Pulling Favours with Mark & Rory

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Who's the most famous name in your contacts? How did you get their number?

For Rory, his phonebook has amassed some impressive entries through a career of working in music, entertainment and professional football.

For Mark, he only needed Rory's number and subsequently became a popular figure backstage at gigs and front-of-house, using his 'nordy' charm and Donald Trump impressions. 

Pulling Favours is two mates, talking to mates, and mates of mates, who happen to be famous or revered in their profession. 

Don't think of it as a deep-diving, hard-hitting interview podcast. Think of it as three friends, sitting around with some pints, and a recorder in the middle of them.

This is Pulling Favours with Mark and Rory.

Production by Niall Killeney-Taylor

Brought to you by MRK Events and baLORE Media


On this week’s episode of Pulling Favours, Mark and Rory speak to one of the best hip-hop duos to come out of Ireland in recent years - Tebi Rex. Known for their range in styles and tracks such as ‘Men are Trash’ and ‘Never Got Off The Bud’, the lads talk about music, the pitfalls of social media, and who the best rapper in the world is right now. Also - they solve who killed Biggie. Follow the guys on Instagram - @pullingfavours

On this week’s episode of Pulling Favours, Mark and Rory are joined by Erin McClean. Renowned as the wife of Irish footballer James McClean, Erin is a star in her own right and has been earning acclaim for documenting her daughter Willow’s journey on Instagram. Talking everything from growing up in Derry to her life as a Mammy to three young kids, this is a great episode with a great person.

On this week’s episode of Pulling Favours, the lads are joined by Republic of Ireland international, Jack Byrne to talk about his football career to date. From making an impression at Manchester City to the doldrums of the lower leagues to earning a move to Cyprus after finding himself in the League of Ireland, Jack opens up on everything else in between. He also talks about international ambitions and a mental chairman from his career! You can check out the boys on Instagram - @pullingfavours

On this week's episode of Pulling Favours, Mark and Rory talk to the man behind 'Intro Matchmaking' - Feargal Harrington. Discussing everything from what women want, to what the biggest turn-offs for men and women are, as well as 'Peter Pans' and the detrimental effect of dating apps like Tinder, this is one for all of the 2 million singletons in Ireland. You can find Intro Matchmaking on socials -@intromatchmakingireland, and check out Pulling Favours on Instagram -@pullingfavours

On this week’s episode of Pulling Favours, TikTok music sensation Ryan Mack joins Mark and Rory for a candid chat about his career and his rise on the popular platform. From featuring in Louis Walsh’s ‘Hometown’ to the sudden end of that, to rediscovering himself as an artist, and eventually how COVID resulted in a seismic rise on socials, Ryan fills the lads in on everything. Follow him now on Spotify, where you can hear tracks such as ‘Broke’, ‘She Wins, I Lose’ and ‘Perfect On Me’. You can now follow the lads on Instagram, @pullingfavours. Ryan Mack - Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@ryanmackmusic?lang=en

On this week’s episode of Pulling Favours, Mark and Rory are joined by fellow Donegal man and All-Ireland winner Eamon McGee. Renowned for his combative defensive work for Donegal, and since retirement, his commentary of GAA, politics and everything else, Eamon opens up to the lads about the highs and lows of his career and interests off the pitch. A must listen for all GAA followers! You can follow Pulling Favours on Instagram - @pullingfavours

On this week’s episode of Pulling Favours, Mark and Rory speak to a man that has interviewed Oprah, Steven Spielberg and Lady Gaga - RTÉ 2FM presenter Stephen Byrne. Talking about being one of the first ‘YouTubers’, resorting his Leaving Cert and his documentary on homophobia in football, Stephen opens up on everything else in between in this open and honest chat. He’s even made Viola Davis cry! Check out ‘Pulling Favours’ now on Instagram - @pullingfavours

On this week's episode of Pulling Favours, the boys are joined by TikTok cooking extraordinaire, Chef Daniel Lambert. Known for his exploits on the popular platform, Daniel shares some tips and tricks for cost-effective, COVID cooking. This is one for the foodies and the newbies, so get the pencil ready and the spuds peeled! You can follow Daniel on TikTok & Instagram at@chefdaniellambert

On this week’s episode of Pulling Favours, Irish comedian Andrew Maxwell joins Mark and Rory for an in-depth discussion about cracking comedy, home and family and literally everything else in between. Brexit and Boris, Trump and the Troubles, being a Dad and how being in the Jungle opened him up to the British media, no stone is left unturned! You can now follow Pulling Favours on Instagram - @pullingfavours.

On this week's episode of Pulling Favours, Mark and Rory are joined by singer-songwriter Conor Scott. Fresh from releasing his latest track 'Life Now', Conor talks to the boys about his career to date - wowing Tom Jones on The Voice, trying to crack it in London and how a move home inspired his new sound. Tipped by Radio 1, Hotpress and Clash Magazine as one of the bright lights of Northern Irish music, Conor's candid conversation with the lads touches on it all. Check out his new single 'Life Now' and track 'Slip' now on all streaming platforms.

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