Rum Ham and Wild Cards

Rum Ham and Wild Cards

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We're making the ultimate fan ranking of each episode of "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" and rating each episode on a scale of 1-10! Listen in and go over the best (and worst) of The Gang's adventures with us, episode by episode. Reason will prevail!

We don't know how many podcasts we got left in us. We're gonna get real weird with it. Now cover me and hit play on this episode while I roast this bone.

On today's episode review we learn the difference between depression and seasonal affective recession as well as crayfish vs. crawfish. We fought disease and tornados to bring you this one. Time for "The Great Recession" on RH&WC! Join us as we put S5E3 under a microscope and rank it on The List of Lists!

The Gang is going on an old-school road trip and we're excited to talk about it on this episode of Rum Ham & Wild Cards! Hopefully we don't ruffle any feathers with our take on this S5 episode. Now 100% poison glaze free!

Let's start season 5 with some honey and vinegar. In this episode review, we go tit for tat. Toe to toe. Filibuster. Where will the first episode of S5 land on The List of Lists? Get ready for a podcast not governed by reason on this episode of Rum Ham and Wild Cards!

Four seasons are DONE and on The List of Lists! On this Jabroni Talk the guys are going over season four and talking about some missed points, changed scores, and much more. Which episodes will get boosted and which will get taken down? Hit play and get ready for season 5 with us!

Charlie wrote a musical and we're talking about it in this episode review! Will these 4 hosts give the S4 finale the love so many fans claim it deserves? Or will they get booed off stage by a swarm of angry listeners? We're going for gasps so hit play! *Stage Freeze*

On the most extreme episode review yet we're taking a look at the Gang's take on "The Secret," the original Extreme Makeover, saucy Sears catalog controversies, and much more. ¡Ponte extremo y dale al play en este nuevo episodio de Rum Ham and Wild Cards!

RE-UPLOADED Hear ye hear ye! Cometh listen to the tale of ye olden gang and their doing with the cracking of the Liberty Bell! Featuring such delightful conversation of Meryl Streep, scurrying rats, and more! "Ring" in the new year with the first RH&WC of 2022!

Now let's talk about season 4 episode 10. Can we talk about season 4 episode 10 please, Jabronis? We've been dying to talk about season 4 episode 10 with you all year, okay? Let your ass breathe and hit play!

-RE-UPLOADED- This episode was recorded back in September. After many months of putting off work, we are finally releasing this episode review and picking the show back up officially. We appreciate everyone who has joined us along the way so far and we can't wait to push out new episodes reviews for you guys. Enjoy this 4-month-old episode review and we'll be back on Christmas eve!

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