Sound Health Options - Richard O ~ TalkToMeGuy & Sharry Edwards

Sound Health Options - Richard O ~ TalkToMeGuy & Sharry Edwards

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USING THE IDEA THAT FREQUENCIES CONTAINED IN THE VOICE ARE HOLOGRAPHIC REPRESENTATIONS OF YOUR STATE OF HEALTH, THE FIELD OF HUMAN BIOACOUSTICS WAS PIONEERED.• Each person possesses unique harmonics of frequency that can be expressed through the voice. However, when these complex frequencies of the body become unbalanced, the voice primarily reflects this altered state, and the body manifests it as dis-stress or dis-ease at the structural and biochemical levels. In reality, there are no solids. We exist in a universe that consists entirely of energy. Einstein proved this. Frequency defines it. Frequency, as vibrational medicine, is at the heart of the world of wellness as we know it. Nearly thirty years of development by Sharry Edwards has shown that every muscle, compound, process, and structure of the body has a Frequency Equivalent™ that can be mathematically calculated. The body is a predictable math matrix. This provides the foundation for the concept that the body's ability to heal itself can originate as frequency interactions between the molecular signals of the entire body. When these patterns become discordant, dis-ease is the result. Human BioAcoustic Vocal Profiling can be used to determine which nutrient frequencies are required by the body.Meet our host, Richard 'TalkToMeGuy' Olson. With over 30 years experience Richard Olson is a determined researcher and experienced alternative practitioner.He is a Master Herbalist and expert in a variety of other nutritional systems. Richard has extensive training in many body-energy modalities, including cranial sacral, Bowen Method, Swedish Esalen and EFT.Many energy healers have benefited from his background in Radio and sound technology; working with Richard in the development of effective use The Voice. His interesting mix of right brain intuition and left brain education guarantees a transformational and entertaining experience.

Hashimoto’s is a disease where the immune system attacks your thyroid, but the medical community either can’t diagnose it, will tell you it’s just stress, or are treating the symptoms instead of addressing the underlying reasons your immune system is haywire! There is no one-size fits all solution to thyroid dysfunction. Without the distinctive legion of tests that Dr. Kajiki has identified, most doctors miss the signs and are mystified at why patients aren’t getting well. To find the right protocol that pinpoints the specific root cause of a patient’s thyroid-related ailment or auto-immune problem, Dr. Kajiki created the internationally acclaimed Kajiki Protocol. He engages a wide variety of testing procedures and indicators, including 63 different tests instead of the standard 10 that MDs use, and inflammatory blood markers, immune system challenges, gastro-intestinal microbial, leaky gut testing, adrenal dysfunction, urinary hormone metabolites and more. Dr. Kajiki is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Chiropractor (C.F.M.P., D.C.) and patient educator with clients on four continents. His clientele include celebrities, corporate leaders, women stressed by family life and work, computer programmers, athletes, homemakers, radio show hosts, admin assistants, health practitioners and doctors. He is revolutionizing the way that hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroid are diagnosed and corrected using drug-free solutions. Dr. Kajiki creates his personalized program with dietary changes, nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals and enzymes and lifestyle enhancements that improve lab test results and reduce symptoms. Dr Kajiki joins us to talk about his latest book:Sick, Tired, Untreated and Abandoned

Imagine being invited on a grand life adventure that transforms the mundane to the extraordinary and the lulls to a playground brimming with profound insight. This is what materializes when you visit the spaces in-between, where you’ll discover wisdom filtering through the interstices of your life’s stories. In The Liminal Odyssey, Sande Hart invites readers to step into, not over, the thresholds of their daily lives to explore the transformative power of the space between crisis and action. Sande Hart is an award-winning leader in the fields of women's empowerment and interfaith community building. She founded the women's interfaith international grassroots organization S.A.R.A.H. (The Spiritual And Religious Alliance for Hope) the morning of 911, an instinct to gather women of diverse faiths to protect all that they consider sacred, now in its 20th year. She founded and served as director of Charter for Compassion's Women and Girls sector, served as chair for the United Religion...

Sharry Edwards and her team at Sound Health are using human voice and the associatedfrequencies to help clients resolve health issues such as: macular degeneration, multiplesclerosis, headaches, muscle stress, brain trauma, weight issues and nutritional concerns. Thetechnology she brings to the stage is cutting edge! This technology can identify health andwell-being possibilities that you have never encountered. According to Edwards, "BioAcoustics Voice Spectral Analysis can detect hidden or underlyingstresses in the body that are expressed as disease." The vocal print can identify toxins,pathogens and nutritional supplements that are too low or too high. In addition, a vocal print canbe used to match the most compatible treatment remedy to each client. The introduction ofthe proper low frequency sound to the body, indicated through voice analysis, has been shownto control: pain, body temperature, heart rhythm, and blood pressure. It has also been shownto regenerate body tissue, and...

Named Scientist of the Year in 2001 for her work in BioAcoustic BiologySharry Edwards (Sharry Edwards) is the pioneer in the study of Human BioAcoustic Biology. Her30 years of research is being used at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology.Currently, Edwards and her team at Sound Health are using human voice and the associatedfrequencies to help clients resolve health issues such as: macular degeneration, multiplesclerosis, headaches, muscle stress, brain trauma, weight issues and nutritional concerns. Thetechnology she brings to the stage is cutting edge! This technology can identify health andwell-being possibilities that you have never encountered. According to Edwards, "BioAcoustics Voice Spectral Analysis can detect hidden or underlyingstresses in the body that are expressed as disease." The vocal print can identify toxins,pathogens and nutritional supplements that are too low or too high. In addition, vocal print canbe used to match the most compatible treatment remedy to each ...

Christine Miles is an author, professional keynote speaker, consultant, executive coach, thought leader, entrepreneur, and radio show host.She is the Founder and CEO of EQuipt, a training and consulting company that helps leadership teams grow sales, develop people, and create cultures of understanding. Christine developed The Listening Path, a transformational workshop on listening to understand, which has been taught at various Fortune 100 corporations, universities, law firms, and privately-held companies. from her site It is my mission to create a listening movement that transforms the way our society communicates so that we have deeper connections with those around us and a greater effect on communities at large. More about Christine Miles GetWhat Is It Costing You Not To Listen: The Power of Understanding to Connect, Influence, Solve & Sell Christine on Linkedin

Patricia L'Dara, Soul Passage Midwife, is a spiritual pathfinder that helps souls through their end of life passages in ways that are inexplicable to the logical mind. Her first experience of this incredible process was with her mother in 1993. Prior to that time she had never been in a room with someone who was transitioning to the Higher Realms. She describes this sacred sojourn as deeply engaging, dynamic and celebratory. When people can shift theirperspectives to a moreexpansivevision, there is no fear of death. In her book, Song of Sight: An Introduction to Soul Passage Midwifery, Patricia shares inspiringpersonalaccounts of people from all walks of life whomshehas accompanied across the threshold. The second half of the book is dedicated to assisting families and professionals Patricia joins us to talk about our animal friends. Pets crossing over are very receptive to and appreciative of this work. This is likewise a very joyful and dynamic process. Patricia L'Dara site

Jordan Gruber joins us on Sound Health Radio to discuss his coauthored book: The Bounce:The Complete SuperBound Guidebook to 21st-Century Rebound Exercise The Bounceis the definitive new guidebook to rebound exercise, written by two devoted practitioners committed to sharing its transformative qualities. Bouncing uniquely challenges and leverages gravity to safely but powerfully work your muscles (especially your core) while simultaneously providing aerobic conditioning and balance enhancement. By stimulating lymph flow, rebounding also enhances the immune system—something we can all benefit from—while reducing stress and enhancing psychological wellness and even spiritual practice.Rebound exercise is fun (especially with music) and is well suited for home. This guidebook provides everything you need to know to successfully start, establish, and enjoy your own rebounding practice and the many benefits it can bring. The Bounce Jordan Gruber on You...

Ed Harrold is an author, inspirational leader, public speaker, coach and educator.Ed’s mastery in the science of mindful breathing has guided him to apply conscious breathing practices in corporate health & performance coaching, fitness & athletic training, healthcare continuing education courses,stress reduction and overall health and well-being. Heis the author ofLife With Breath IQ + EQ = NEWYOUandBodyMindBusiness: The Business Of BE’ing Within. Ed blends the fields of neuroscience and the wisdom of contemplative traditions into effective strategies to improve health, well-being and performance. Hisfluency in mindfulness-based strategies combined with the belief in the human potential gives him the depth and understanding to meet individuals and group needs across industries and platforms. He is hereto share more about emotional intelligence and neuroplasticity, stressed decision making, breath as an immune builder, and much more! Ed is a contributing health & wellness editor f...

The youngest of the Karim children, Doreya Karim grew up with BioGeometry. Today, Doreya is the managing director of BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd., where she heads numerous BioGeometry projects and is a vital player of the BioGeometry research and development team, which aims to reduce all forms of environmental stress on biological systems. Doreya has been working directly under Dr. Ibrahim Karim for more than nine years and has had the opportunity to gain experience in applying BioGeometry in numerous fields such as regional environmental electro-smog solutions, architecture and industrial design, music, animal farming and agriculture and serves as co-director of the design department. Doreya is a Building Biology Environmental Consultant (BBEC), with degrees in both Psychology and Graphic Design.Doreya has lectured and taught in over 8 countries, having given over 40 BioGeometry trainings. In 2018, Doreya was selected as a "She's Mercedes" recognizing empowering women in Egypt....

Diana MacKay writes in collaboration with her father under the pen name, Diana Gifford-Jones. The daughter of W. Gifford-Jones, MD, Diana has extensive global experience in health and healthcare policy. Diana is Special Advisor with the Aga Khan University, which operates 2 quaternary care hospitals and numerous secondary hospitals, medical centres, pharmacies, and laboratories in South Asia and Africa. She is AKU’s Global Practice Lead for the Institute for Global Health and Development and the Brain and Mind Institute. She worked for ten years in the Human Development sectors at the World Bank, including health policy and economics, nutrition, and population health. For over a decade at The Conference Board of Canada, she managed four health-related executive networks, including the Roundtable on Socio-Economic Determinants of Health, the Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, the Canadian Centre for Environmental Health, and the Centre for Health System Design and...

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