State Of The Art

State Of The Art

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Each week, host Gabriel Barcia-Colombo speaks with a new artist, curator, technologist, AI, collector, innovator, about the ever-changing relationship between art and tech.


Ali Santana is a director and multi-disciplinary artist working with video, sound, collage, installation, and performance.

Brett Volker and Steve Milton are the founders of Listen, a cultural innovation agency rooted in sound and music, but seasoned at the strategic use of cultural programs to make an impact. They work with brands and innovative artists to craft boundary-pushing creative projects.

Ziv Schneider is an artist and designer working with new and emerging technologies, often in the context of non-fiction storytelling. Her recent project Sylvia is a storytelling experiment that disrupted the virtual influencer landscape for a short period of time.

Vivian Greven’s painting is based on an adept play with various notions of bodies, being and representation, with concepts of classical antiquity merging with pop art and digital image worlds.

Yuge Zhou is a Chinese born, Chicago-based artist whose videos and installations address connections, isolation and longing across urban and natural environments.

Greg Gabe is a neuroscientist, engineer and artist exploring how the brain works.

Efraín Rozas is a Peruvian performer/composer and robotics/software developer.

In this episode, multidisciplinary artist, Saks Afridi discusses his collaborative projects with artisans and technologists across the globe to create sociopolitical and thought provoking works of art.

In this episode, we speak with video artist Kameron Neal who uses his body and personal narratives to explore intimacy and to challenge socio-political ideologies. -About Kameron Neal- Kameron Neal is a queer Black video artist, designer, and performance-maker based in NYC. Forbes described Kameron’s solo exhibition at Detroit Art Week 2019 as “an absurd escape that simultaneously provokes and entertains.” Kameron is currently in residence at CultureHub, The Public Theater’s Devised Theater Working Group, and the Bemis Center. As a Resident Artist at Ars Nova, he co-createdMukhAgni, an irreverent multimedia performance memoir, with Shayok Misha Chowdhury; the piece was curated in Under the Radar 2020. His stop-motion self-portraitLiquid Lovewas awarded Best of Show at Digital Graffiti Festival 2017 where he returned in 2018 as an artist in residence. Kameron’s video art has been featured in music videos for Billy Porter and Rufus Wainwright. His work has also been seen in Natio...

In this episode, SOTA host Gabriel Barcia-Colombo speaks with David Goodman, former VP of Digital Development & Marketing at Sothebys about the role of media in the arts, his work at Sotheby's, his trajectory into the art world, and how art infiltrates many corners of everyday life. -About David Goodman- Experienced C-Suite executive who has spent 30+ years running divisions of global multi-media organizations, spearheading/overseeing growth, revenue, marketing, content creation, production, product/technology innovation/services, distribution and oversight of some of the worlds most recognizable brands and properties. Most recently he served as Executive Vice President, Marketing and Digital Development at Sotheby's where he and his team (advertising, technology, content creation, audience development, exhibition design/creative services, sponsorship, membership) were responsible for numerous initiatives which resulted in record growth in audience (physical/digital), revenue, e-com...

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