Succeed and Shine with Kris Holbrook

Succeed and Shine with Kris Holbrook

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Kris Carlson is an Independent Sales Consultant and Senior Executive Vice President. After hearing about a Direct Sales opportunity from a friend in Minnesota and finding out about the that company's mission and product line, she saw the opportunity to provide for her family, reduce the chemicals in her own home while saving money and time, and share with others how they could do the same. After much success in her home state of Minnesota, Kris relocated her family to North Carolina in 2013 to bring this message to a new area. Her team has grown to over 22,000 and continues to grow. Kris is a recipient of the #1 Team, #1 Group Leader, #1 Recruiter and #1 Income Earner awards in the United States. Since 2010, Kris has been training and coaching Direct Sales and Business leaders on how to grow their business thru improving their leadership skills.

In this episode Kris Carlson shares her Top 5 Income Producing Activities and explores the 80/20 rule.

Following up with your customers should be part of your business strategy! Not only that, it's just good customer service. In this episode, Kris Carlson, a Top Direct Sales Leader, shares her best practices for following up.

Over my last 10 years in the Direct Sales industry there are definitely some things I've learned that I wished I'd known from the beginning. This new series is going to share all those little nuggets and tidbits to hopefully give YOU a head start in your business.

Hostess Coaching is the KEY to a successful party in Direct Sales. In this episode Kris shares her exact formula for building a partnership with her hostess that results in fun, exciting parties with MORE bookings.

In Episode 42, Kris says some frequently asked questions she gets from people that are considering starting their own Direct Sales business, but are unsure if it's the right fit for them.

The Success Chats Series is where I get to chat one on one with some of the top leaders in the Direct Sales Industry. These leaders are at the top of their game, navigating their own personal business, leading super successful teams, and prioritizing their family all at the same time. In this episode I get to chat with Tricia Edmundson— a Wife, Mom of 2, and a Top Leader with Thirty One Gifts. In fact, she has the distinction of promoting through Thirty One's career path faster than any other consultant! In our conversation, Tricia gives insight on what motivates her, how to consistently book parties, recruit, building confident leaders, and she also shares why she chooses to aim for harmony, rather than balance.

We're continuing our chat with direct selling expert Belinda Ellsworth, discussing how she successfully recruits and supported her team in recruiting.

I'm excited to introduce a new, ongoing series where I have the chance to chat with some of the most successful leaders, speakers and trainers in the Direct Sales Industry! "Success Chats" will explore how her guests began their business along with their best tips, ideas, and philosophies about success. We're kicking off this series in a BIG WAY! When I first began my direct sales business, I attended a conference where Belinda Ellsworth was a speaker. It was listening to Belinda that transformed how I approached my business. I credit Belinda with teaching me practically everything I know about Direct Sales, so it was an incredible honor to get to spend some time chatting with her about her incredible journey. Here's Part 1 of my chat with Belinda Ellsworth.

On this episode of Succeed And Shine with Kris Carlson, Kris talks about the importance of adding new team members to your direct sales business and shares how she answers some commonly asked questions during the recruiting process. Leave your commonly asked direct sales recruiting questions in the comments below!

On this episode of Succeed And Shine with Kris Carlson, Kris talks about the importance of skipping the sale. She explains how everything in the direct sales industry comes second to booking parties and how critical getting bookings are to your business. For more Direct Sales Training from Kris Carlson visit

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