The Jazz Treasury Podcast

The Jazz Treasury Podcast

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90 聲音
The Jazz Treasury Podcast is devoted to exhibiting the best of jazz history in the format of an auditory tour of America’s richest indigenous music. Bi-weekly a different aspect of jazz will be presented. It may be a portrait of a musician such as Duke Ellington or John Coltrane. It could be a specific instrument like the bass or trumpet. We may visit a jazz city like Chicago or New Orleans. Other exhibits will focus on genera such as bebop or swing. Your curator and tour guide, Rich Sylvester, has over 40 years of jazz background to share. So, whether you’ve just begun to explore the art of jazz or consider yourself a connoisseur, tune into The Jazz Treasury. The Jazz Treasury podcast is always open!

Learn a little about Harlem's Savoy Ballroom and DANCE!

Learn a little about the late great coronet player, Rex Stewart and listen to some of his music.

Check out the swinging sounds of Texas and Oklahoma!

Meet some of the great musicians who Duke Ellington introduced to the world of Jazz.

Learn a little about the man and the music of Roy Eldridge. Bonus track from Theo Croker!

A New Year's Bonus, two episodes of fine jazz to enjoy this month.

Happy New Year 2019! Here's a relay of our Charlie Christian episode for your listening pleasure.

This Episode features the early recordings of jazz greats such as Jimmie Noone, Benny Goodman, Pee Wee Russell, Johnny Dodds and more!

The great Lester Young is featured in this rebroadcast with a little treat at the end.

Learn a little bit about the early history of the Jazz Piano, from Scott Joplin, Thelonious Monk and more!

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