Tiny Leaps, Big Changes
15min2022 JUL 21
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YouTube: https://youtu.be/auef_0bYUsc Quote from Becca Pate I thought I might share one thing that helped me increase my savings. I was really having a problem 'stopping and grabbing something to eat'. Fast food and fancy coffee add up and were the cause of a lot of $ disappearing in my budget. Every time I drove by a fast food place and was tempted to stop (this usually happened otw to work in the mornings), I would drive past and when I parked at work, I took out my phone and transferred $6-$10 or whatever I was going to spend in the drive thru into my savings. I did it before I even turned the car off . I guess it worked for me because it gave me that 'instant satisfaction' of adding a little each time to my savings and it added up much quicker than I thought it would. What is addiction replacement “Everyone who’s battled an addiction understands the concept: You go from smoking to eating; from drinking to shopping; from sex to chocolate to working. You’re substituting one addiction for another in an attempt to compensate for a perceived ‘lack’—emotionally or psychologically.” Why do we swap addictions “Individuals in recovery may also experience a lowered level of dopamine in the brain, which would limit their ability to feel happiness or excitement during the early stages of sobriety. This can influence recovering addicts to transfer their past addictive behaviors into other activities or substances as a way to fulfill the craving and reduce the unpleasant side effects of withdrawal.” Article: https://www.addictioncenter.com/community/addiction-replacement/

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