Hot Marriage. Cool Parents.
1h 5min2021 AUG 30
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This is such a special episode of Hot Marriage. Cool Parents, that Jamie called in from the doctor’s parking lot just to be with us! Today, we have the pleasure of welcoming a very important guest with whom we have interacted in the past but never had the opportunity to sit down and speak! She's the author of The Emotional Entrepreneur, co-host of the Okay Sis Podcast, host of the SCOUT Podcast, Founder of Scout's Agency, and a trailblazing entrepreneur, Scout Sobel! Scout’s success did not come without her fair share of trials and tribulations. She has been living with bipolar disorder for the past 15 years, which once rendered her unable to hold down a job, go to college, or function from day to day. With a focus on self-development work, Scout now successfully manages her bipolar disorder and uses her mental health healing journey to inspire other women to take radical responsibility for their emotions, live a life of purpose, and follow their entrepreneurial calling. In this e...

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