8min2021 JUL 26
Play Episode


【欢迎订阅】欢迎来到我的专辑“英语何健说”,也欢迎关注微信公众号“英语何健说”。 现在大家还可以添加本专辑的微信学习群助手Talklikehe_1,添加群助手后,会邀请大家入群学习打卡。我们会不定期在群里分享英语学习相关内容。 对话原文及知识 对话一: A: Don’t forget to mow the lawn today! B: Sorry, I can’t . My back is out of whack. It’s killing me! A: Poor you. I will do it then. You have a good rest and get well soon. 知识点: 1. mow the lawn 割草,除草 mow down 引申为残杀;撞倒;或者打压这类的意思 mow down the attackers 消灭进攻者 mow down all the objections 把所有的反对意见压制下去 2. be out of whack 不对劲,不正常 in fine whack 身体非常好 对话二: A: You have to keep to your bed for a few weeks. I’ m sorry. B: You are pulling my legs, right ? A: No. B: Then how come I can wiggle my toes? 知识点: 1. keep to your bed 卧床不起 He kept to the main roads in his travel. 他旅行时总是走大路。 2. yank one’s chain 开玩笑 3. wiggle my toes 动动我的脚趾 思考题 get a wiggle on 在口语中是什...

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