Jason (@jasonEalt), DJ (@CardgardenMTG), and Corbin (@CHosler) discuss if their podcast is the harbinger of doom for companies that stop sponsoring them as TCGPlayer has purchased Channel Fireball and what effect this will have on you as a customer. Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. https://www.youtube.com/user/BrainstormBrewery * 06:16 CFB acquisition by TCGPlayer* 29:44 Breaking Bulk* 45:32 Segment Suggestions* 50:04 Pick of the Week* https://linktr.ee/BrainstormBrewery* Support our Patreon! www.patreon.com/bsb* Need to contact us? Hit up BrainstormBrew@gmail.com* Check out MTGstocks.com for all card price needs.* Visit www.bcwsupplies.com/?acc=brainstormbrewery and use promo code “brainstorm” to get 10% off your order* Check out our merch and Use gift code “BrainstormBrewery” to get 10% off https://www.coalesceapparel.shop/collections/brainstorm-brewery
Jason (@jasonEalt) prepares to take DJ (@CardgardenMTG) as a student of the grilling arts and Corbin (@CHosler) is just along for the ride. The gang also talks all about core sets, farting cows, and more segments than you know what to do with. Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. https://www.youtube.com/user/BrainstormBrewery * 01:00 Grilling Sensei* 06:30 Corbin fixes the Farting Cows* 09:09 Breaking Bulk* 18:15 Core Set History* 23:10 Sudden Substitution: The Great Henge* 29:17 Finance 101 Arbitrage* 37:49 What’s it Worth* 45:42 Pick of the Week* 51:25 FTV Email* https://linktr.ee/BrainstormBrewery* Support our Patreon! www.patreon.com/bsb* Need to contact us? Hit up BrainstormBrew@gmail.com* Check out MTGstocks.com for all card price needs.* Visit www.bcwsupplies.com/?acc=brainstormbrewery and use promo code “brainstorm” to get 10% off your order* Check out our merch and Use gift code “BrainstormBrewery” to get 10% off https://www.coa...
Corbin (@CHosler), DJ (@CardgardenMTG), and Jason (@jasonEalt) are still podcasting and here to bring you news on MtG stats, upcoming product delays, and where WOTC see magic after 30 years. Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. https://www.youtube.com/user/BrainstormBrewery * 01:30 Beer Boostie* 08:22 Cost of the Average Magic Card* 18:16 Breaking Bulk* 28:30 New Rhystic Studies Video* https://youtu.be/hdB0ZSZjk-k* 29:25 Successs of Single Set?* 39:11 Success of Secret Lair* 44:42 Pick of the Week* https://linktr.ee/BrainstormBrewery* Support our Patreon! www.patreon.com/bsb* Need to contact us? Hit up BrainstormBrew@gmail.com* Check out MTGstocks.com for all card price needs.* Visit www.bcwsupplies.com/?acc=brainstormbrewery and use promo code “brainstorm” to get 10% off your order* Check out our merch and Use gift code “BrainstormBrewery” to get 10% off https://www.coalesceapparel.shop/collections/brainstorm-brewery
Corbin (@CHosler) is back and DJ (@CardgardenMTG) and Jason (@jasonEalt) are all kinds of reminiscent about the past episodes, changes to TCGPlayer fees, and stealing other people’s cards. Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. https://www.youtube.com/user/BrainstormBrewery * 01:06 Looking Back* 09:02 Breaking Bulk* 17:59 TCGPlayer Fee Increase* 34:31 Trend in Card Design Messing with Commander?* 50:51 Pick of the Week* https://linktr.ee/BrainstormBrewery* Support our Patreon! www.patreon.com/bsb* Need to contact us? Hit up BrainstormBrew@gmail.com* Check out MTGstocks.com for all card price needs.* Visit www.bcwsupplies.com/?acc=brainstormbrewery and use promo code “brainstorm” to get 10% off your order* Check out our merch and Use gift code “BrainstormBrewery” to get 10% off https://www.coalesceapparel.shop/collections/brainstorm-brewery
Corbin (@CHosler) is gone but DJ (@Rose0fThorns) and Jason (@jasonEalt) have brought on EDHRec Cast’s Dana (@Danaroach) to the pod to talk about the new Commander Legends set and much more Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. https://www.youtube.com/user/BrainstormBrewery * 02:45 Jason’s Head Explodes* 06:54 Commandfest Richmond and Las Vegas* 20:12 Breaking Bulk* 51:38 Pick of the Week* https://linktr.ee/BrainstormBrewery* Support our Patreon! www.patreon.com/bsb* Need to contact us? Hit up BrainstormBrew@gmail.com* Check out MTGstocks.com for all card price needs.* Visit www.bcwsupplies.com/?acc=brainstormbrewery and use promo code “brainstorm” to get 10% off your order* Check out our merch and Use gift code “BrainstormBrewery” to get 10% off https://www.coalesceapparel.shop/collections/brainstorm-brewery
Corbin (@CHosler), DJ (@Rose0fThorns). and NASCAR expert Jason (@jasonEalt) talk about when cards prices bottom, new in-person events not looking good and Jason’s secret expertise. Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. https://www.youtube.com/user/BrainstormBrewery * 04:37 When do card prices stabilize?* 13:57 Breaking Bulk* 52:42 Pick of the Week* https://linktr.ee/BrainstormBrewery* Support our Patreon! www.patreon.com/bsb* Need to contact us? Hit up BrainstormBrew@gmail.com* Check out MTGstocks.com for all card price needs.* Visit www.bcwsupplies.com/?acc=brainstormbrewery and use promo code “brainstorm” to get 10% off your order* Check out our merch and Use gift code “BrainstormBrewery” to get 10% off https://www.coalesceapparel.shop/collections/brainstorm-brewery
Corbin (@CHosler), DJ (@Rose0fThorns). and Jason (@jasonEalt) muse about what pokemon really are, the shift coming in commander designs in Commander Legends Balders Gate, and what it means that we are getting $20 standard rares again. Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. https://www.youtube.com/user/BrainstormBrewery * 11:02 Pokemon Arms Dealers* 13:12 Breaking Bulk* 19:53 New Commander Design philosophy?* 44:23 $20 Standard Rares?* 52:42 Pick of the Week* https://linktr.ee/BrainstormBrewery* Support our Patreon! www.patreon.com/bsb* Need to contact us? Hit up BrainstormBrew@gmail.com* Check out MTGstocks.com for all card price needs.* Visit www.bcwsupplies.com/?acc=brainstormbrewery and use promo code “brainstorm” to get 10% off your order* Check out our merch and Use gift code “BrainstormBrewery” to get 10% off https://www.coalesceapparel.shop/collections/brainstorm-brewery
Corbin (@CHosler), DJ (@Rose0fThorns). and Jason (@jasonEalt) talk all about the latest Baldor’s gate previews and how DJ may never pick bulk again. Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. https://www.youtube.com/user/BrainstormBrewery * 3:30 Check the Rec Before You Wreck Ya Deck* 22:50 Breaking Bulk* 33:38 The Robot Uprising* 45:26 Pick of the Week* https://linktr.ee/BrainstormBrewery* Support our Patreon! www.patreon.com/bsb* Need to contact us? Hit up BrainstormBrew@gmail.com* Check out MTGstocks.com for all card price needs.* Visit www.bcwsupplies.com/?acc=brainstormbrewery and use promo code “brainstorm” to get 10% off your order* Check out our merch and Use gift code “BrainstormBrewery” to get 10% off https://www.coalesceapparel.shop/collections/brainstorm-brewery
Corbin (@CHosler), DJ (@Rose0fThorns). and Jason (@jasonEalt) have on Cass (@DevotedDruid) to talk about the new TCGPlayer Infinite, firing your customer, and much more. Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. https://www.youtube.com/user/BrainstormBrewery * 01:03 Flesh and Blood Pro Tour* 04:40 Firing Your Customers* 23:39 Breaking Bulk* 38:39 TCGPlayer Direct Direct Direct* 45:26 Pick of the Week* https://linktr.ee/BrainstormBrewery* Support our Patreon! www.patreon.com/bsb* Need to contact us? Hit up BrainstormBrew@gmail.com* Check out MTGstocks.com for all card price needs.* Visit www.bcwsupplies.com/?acc=brainstormbrewery and use promo code “brainstorm” to get 10% off your order* Check out our merch and Use gift code “BrainstormBrewery” to get 10% off https://www.coalesceapparel.shop/collections/brainstorm-brewery
Corbin (@CHosler), DJ (@Rose0fThorns). and Jason (@jasonEalt) welcome on Streamer, Cosplayer, TikTok-er and WhatNot seller, Nessa (@NessaMeowMeow) to talk about the WhatNot platform and all things Magic news. Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. https://www.youtube.com/user/BrainstormBrewery * 05:09 Gamer Hours* 07:09 Breaking Bulk* 21:00 Perfect Recall* 36:03 Selling on WhatNot* 56:24 Pick of the Week* https://linktr.ee/BrainstormBrewery* Support our Patreon! www.patreon.com/bsb* Need to contact us? Hit up BrainstormBrew@gmail.com* Check out MTGstocks.com for all card price needs.* Visit www.bcwsupplies.com/?acc=brainstormbrewery and use promo code “brainstorm” to get 10% off your order* Check out our merch and Use gift code “BrainstormBrewery” to get 10% off https://www.coalesceapparel.shop/collections/brainstorm-brewery