Prank Calls For You

Prank Calls For You

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A podcast that happens to be a prank call request show.

This episode features prank calls to many vegan restaurants in the northeast complaining there was a big mac in my salad. I get two prank request but only able to complete one to a guy who runs a meetup group. If you have a prank call request email

This podcast will no longer be on iTunes after this month due to lack of feedback so if you want it to stay on iTunes write some reviews. I get another request from Marko and it turns into another success as I prank a woman who runs a meetup group. I prank call many Casino's in the Northeast. Bill Miller has racial suggestions and I ended up pranking strip clubs, Walmart, Sonic, and something else probably. Email if you have a prank request.

This episode features a prank request to someone's annoying roommate and it turns out to be a success. I call Bakery's in the Northeast ask for them to make a Jussie Smallet cake. This episode will be in the top at all but I tried. Email for your prank request.

This episode features calls to Brazilian BBQ and steakhouses in the Northeast. A request comes in but its from a pranker, who pranks a pranker. The end of the show features two pranks to some waffle houses that didn't get prank. Email if you have a prank request.

This episode features prank calls to waffle houses and IHOP'S in the Northeast region. Riotcoke gives the first real donation to the joshjak network and request to prank pot shops. Bill miller suggest to ask for big mac's, ask for horsy sauce, and to say I love when old women make my food. Wacky sound effects are played and Walmart gets some ram ranch. Email to request a prank.

Ban Chod means sister fucker and Maderchod means mother fucker in the Indian language. This episode features dozens of calls to Indian Restaurants in the Northeast. There was some good reactions from pissed off Indians. For a prank request email

This episode features a prank call request from Jenergy. He request to have a market manager selling rotten meat pranked but the guy wasn't there so maybe next time. The idea from this episode is to have French restaurants pranked but Robert suggest to prank Indian and Mexican Restaurants as well. Offensive clips and foreign slurs get thrown around and this episode does end up having at least 4 good calls. Email if you have a prank request.

This is another episode of failed prank calls that lead me bombing. I call Spa's, Plumbers, and Lowes stores playing my new My Pubes Clogged The Drain song. I barely get any reactions and most people just hang up. Hopefully more better episodes on the way but I decided to put this episode up anyways just to show you the prank call business ain't always so easy folks. email if you have a number of someone you would like pranked.

This episode features many prank calls to Mattress stores across the NE. Several calls include drugs being stored in the Mattress and these sales people freak out. Marco suggest to prank a buddy of his who works at a mattress store, Bill Miller suggest to say the Mattress is haunted and giving me nightmares. If you have a prank request email

This is probably one of the worst episodes I've done and it features calls to all the Dick's locations in the Northeast. I take a request from Jacob and prank his cousin on the show as well.

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