Stop Child Abuse Now

Stop Child Abuse Now

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Monday to Friday's "Stop Child Abuse Now" (SCAN) feature trauma informed HOSTs and Co-hosts and respected child abuse prevention, intervention and recovery advocates. They're all volunteers members of the National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA), a 501(c)3.Founded in 2009, was originally a grassroots effort. It was launched based on our founder Bill Murray's personal life experienced. Bill wrote, "Very few adults escape years of severe childhood sexual abuse, pre-pubescent X-rated photography, sex trafficking, and a two week long kidnapping." He continued. "But I have, and for some 35 years I've been in recovery from its devastating effects."After years of operating as a grassroots effort, NAASCA became a public charity in 2015 .. a 501(c)3 .. but we receive no grants or outside support, and belong to no other organization. There are no dues or fees.Our MISSION is entirely self-sustaining through the volunteer contributions of our members.The single purpose is to address issues related to childhood abuse and trauma including sexual assault, violent or physical abuse, emotional traumas and neglect from two specific perspectives: 1) educating the public, and 2) offering hope for healing and services to adult survivors.There are now nearly 3000 BlogTalkRadio shows, podcasts in the ever-growing library.Join us five-nights-a-week (Mon to Fri), at 8pm EST (so 7pm CEN, 6pm MTN, 5pm PAC) for solution-oriented discussions about the many issues of child abuse and trauma. The shows always include panel discussions and call-in participation.

Tonight's special guest is Nathan Spiteri, born in Australia, a survivor of male sexual abuse. He just released his memoir, 'Toy Cars'. Eight-year-old Nathan was enjoying the crowded swimming pool on a hot summer day. A man followed the boy into the changing room. “He looked like any other middle-aged white man,” says Nathan. What followed was a brutal assault that left the very small boy lying on the floor, bleeding and crying. “For me, this was just the beginning.” Over the next three years, Nathan experienced 'trauma bonding'. The 40-year-old pedophile claimed the boy's own parents and siblings hated him. After three years, Nathan found his abuser had moved. “I was heartbroken,” he says. “It was exactly like breaking up with someone you love.” He completely withdrew from his family. “I’d sit inside playing with my toy cars while my siblings played outside on the street.” In his teenage years his sexual urges focused mostly on men. “I’d ride my bike to strip clubs and lounges where I could have sex with men.” He moved to Sydney, a city that readily provided all the cocaine, heroin and sex he could handle. Eventually even Sydney became too small, so Nathan moved to New York City. By early 2011 his trauma became full-blown rage. He ended up desperate and using heroin. One day he told his story to a friend and a weight was lifted. He started one-on-one and group therapy. In 2016, Nathan’s psychologist suggested he write his experience down as a form of therapy. "I'm starting to do a lot more speaking engagements surrounding child abuse," Nathan says. "I have a Ted talk coming up and a movie script has been written about my story."

Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~Tonight's special guest willbeCherie Whitefrom Covington, Tennessee, an anti bullying advocate andauthor of three bookswho usesher ownstoryof being bullied and gaslightedto help those enduring the same abuse today. "In 6th grade I began a long lesson in the human predator/prey dynamic and a battle for my dignity, safety, and my very soul." At first she took the physical beatings, name-calling, and abuse. Cherie was a victim of what is called 'poly-victimization'. In just six monthsshe went from being a kid who always made the honor roll, to an angry and bitter girl who made only C's and D's. "Who couldconcentrate on schoolwork?" she asks. Cherie attempted suicide at the age of fourteen. "Because I felt powerless, I began to bully those who were even weaker than me in attempts to grab back som...

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Tonight's special guest isDr Debra Warner, Psy.D., a long time NAASCA family member, who's a Los Angeles based Forensic Psychologist. She's also the founder of the annualSCRIPT Conferencein Los Angeles. This year's event will be held at the USC Galen Center on July 21st & 22nd(full disclosure, NAASCA is an annual partner each year in The SCRIPT Conference!!). SCRIPT is a FREE two-day-long annual event that will be held in late July at the USC Galen Center. She'll be joined by several others, including some of her student SCRIPT volunteers and perhaps some of the SCRIPT presenters. An educator and violence prevention expert, Dr. Deb is author of the book'His History, Her Story:a survival guide for spouses of male survivors of sexual abuse and trauma', available through her web site ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their t...

Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~Tonight the special co-host will beBarbara Joy Hansen(Bobbie Joy) from Milford, Massachusetts. She's the International Award-Winning Author of 'Listen to the Cry of the Child' and Co-Host of NAASCA's 'Stop Child Abuse NOW' talk show providing a face & insight into her world of violence. Barbara learned personally that bringing abuse into the light is the first step to freedom & soul healing from incest at 2-8 by her grandfather, clergy sexual assault at 11-12 by a clergy, rape at 18 & sexual addictions in her marriage from family suicide causing Complex trauma's resulting in PTSD. Living a Silent Scream for 38 years she facilitates the 'Beauty Out of Ashes' Support Group teaching many wounded addicts. Invited on the Dr. Oz Show with 20 survivors of sexual assault/harassment she has a God give...

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Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~Tonight's special guest willbeFelisha Johnsonfrom Miami, Florida, who has an incredible story of transformation. She was physically and sexually abused, taken from her family, and placed in the foster care system where she would stay for ten years. She emancipated out at age sixteen, facing multiple hardships. Felisha refused to allow her past to dictate her future, so she pushed through the pain to embark on her healing journey and began to seetriumph in her trauma. "I am a survivor," she says. "At seven years old, I was sexually molested by an uncle, physically abused by my stepfather and labeled as a troubled child by my mother." Felisha became quite the advocate and activist. "I created the 'Heal Your Story' Foundation to help trauma survivors and to encourage at-risk youth to transition ...

Tonight's special guest is Justin 'Jae' Johnson from Houston, Texas. He was adopted and never really knew his biological family. "My adoptive father was an abusive man that beat my adoptive mother and me every time he was upset or drunk," said Jae. "He used guns or anything to serve as a weapon to hurt us. He goes on, "We lived in fear. We had no voice! We couldn't go anywhere." As a child, Jae was trapped in his family. "I had to stay there and endure his wrath until I was able to leave home."He decidedto be everything his father wasn’t. "I wanted to make a name for myself but most importantly, I wanted to help empower others to use there voice and to believe in themselves."After having many jobs and many experiences and traveling the world for work, hedecided to becomea Global life coach and motivational speaker. "I am just a simple human that desires to spread love and kindness in this world," Jae says. "I created a business called Intangible Motivation as my social platforms to...

Q & A call-in discussion with survivors and professionals who'll field topics including some which are brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~ Those who call in will form a discussion panel. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivors and professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a variety of topics suggested by our call-in participants. Their trauma-informed perspectives will help them guide discussions on the issues of child abuse, trauma and healthy human sexuality that spring from questions and topics brought to us by our listeners. ~~ Everyone's invited to engage on tonight's show. ~~ Please visit the web site.

Q & A call-in discussion with a survivor-professional, using an OPEN MIKE forum. We'll feature a survivor-professional co-host who'll field topics brought to the episode by you, the listener. ~~Tonight the special co-host will beMichelle Blessfrom Cincinnati, a survivor of severe child abuse who's now a Minister and Chaplain. She'll appear on the 1st Thursday of each month and isthe author of the book "Out of Darkness: the Michelle Bless Story," her story of redemption. In 1997, Michelle writes that she, ".. was introduced to the Lord and denounced Satan," thus beginning the process of giving her life to God. Michelle is on a mission to bring as many lost souls to God as possible. Her firsthand knowledge of how low a life can plummet to the depths of despair enables her to understand and relate to what others are facing as they struggle to find God in their lives. ~~ On these episodes we welcome various co-hosts, survivor-professionals who'll assist in fielding questions and lead a ...

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