Team TaylorMade Podcast

Team TaylorMade Podcast

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This podcast takes you “inside the ropes" with the game’s greatest players, brightest minds, and biggest influencers. You’ll hear from athletes, celebrities, and industry experts to learn more about life on Tour, find out what inspired TaylorMade’s latest technologies, and hear incredible stories from on and off the golf course.

It’s been awhile since we launched our last podcast, but we’ve been holding onto this one for good reason. Our plan all along was to publish this for Masters week. When we originally sat down with our guest, we did not think it would come in November. But what better way to get in the mood for this very special week in the game of golf than sitting down with the defending Masters champ Tiger Woods to talk equipment, intimidation and major championship golf.

Kevin Millar played first base for the 2004 World Series winning Boston Red Sox. He sits down with TaylorMade to discuss his decade-long major league career, his love for golf and how the "Cowboy Up" chant got started.

World No. 1 Rory McIlroy sits down with Trottie to discuss his switch to the TP5 golf ball, the importance of spin for better players, using analytics to improve and more.

Maria Fassi's "Hello World" moment came at the 2019 Women's Am at Augusta, where she finished second. Now in her rookie season on the LPGA Tour, she talks about the impact of equipment on her game, her rotation of putters and her connection to Team TaylorMade.

Trottie brings out a side of Dustin Johnson you rarely see, as he discusses some of his on-course quirks and his support of Hurricane Dorian relief efforts.

Morikawa reflects on his breakout PGA Tour campaign and what it's like to compete against his idols/Team TaylorMade compadres.

Matthew Wolff joins Chris Trott on Season 2|Episode 3 of the Team TaylorMade Podcast to reveal how his unmistakable swing generates power and his plans for an encore to a strong rookie season.

Former World No. 1 Jason Day discusses the keys to balancing a fulfilling family life with life on Tour. He also dives into his on-course struggles in 2019, his friendship with Tiger and new TaylorMade Equipment.

Jon Rahm became a top 10 player in the world within his first two years on Tour. In Episode 1/Season 2 of the Team TaylorMade Podcast, Rahm details his rapid rise and how he landed with TaylorMade. He also gives insight into his Spanish golfing idols and the importance of being the two-time Spanish Open Champion.

What happens when one of golf’s most well-known analysts visits the Team TaylorMade Podcast? Find out in this bonus episode as Trottie sits down with Brandel Chamblee to explore his journey in golf: From inside the ropes to inside the studio.

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