Feisty Side of Fifty
13min2019 DEC 21
Play Episode


We boomers know that one of the best ways to keep thriving in our later years is to focus on the fun and creative aspects of life. And there’s no better way to do that than to explore the “happiest place on earth.”That’s why this show is especially informative and inspiring. Our guest,Bruce Steeleis a journalist and Disney fanwho has producedone of the most beautiful and truly fascinating books I’ve ever seen. It’s calledOne Day At Disney: Meet the People Who Make the Magic Across the Globe.The book is the product of an incredible 24-hour journey focusing on the people and places that make the magic for our grandchildren and us to enjoy. So give yourself a real gift and take 10 minutes to listen to what Bruce has to share about the incredible people who have brought us the world of Disney for over 50 years. Their work has enriched our lives and those of our grandchildren… it’s time to get to know them!

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