Sound Health Options - Richard O ~ TalkToMeGuy & Sharry Edwards
1h 7min2018 JAN 15
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Dr. Michael Wayne, Ph.D., L.Ac., has the desire to help you find and access your own leading edge, and by doing so, to be a part of the greatest paradigm shift we have ever seen. His goal is to help others find their way back to wellness and good health. He does so by examining the physical, emotional and spiritual in realizing one’s full potential. Michael is the pioneer in the field of Quantum-Integral Medicine and as such he has done immense research and has a deep understanding of what it takes to truly heal. He is theFounder and Director of The Center for Quantum Revolution; A training program to help people find and access their leading edge, and cultivate the power to transform. Michael joins us to talk with us about his latest book: The Quantum Revolution: The Power to Transform Interviews With The Leading Edge Sound Health Options

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