The Geeky Medics Podcast

The Geeky Medics Podcast

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22 聲音
The Geeky Medics Podcast aims to inspire and inform through discussions with some of the most fascinating individuals in the world of healthcare and education.Host: Joshua ChambersProducers: Emma Harvey & Lewis Potter

In this episode, Dr Micheal Malley gives us a very interesting perspective on global health issues, child health, and working with MSF. This episode is great for anyone - medical or non-medical - interested in global health and humanitarian work.

In this special episode, our podcast host sits down with our producer, Emma, and the Founder of Geeky Medics, Lewis, to discuss our top tips and tricks for OSCEs and written exams. This episode is for anyone preparing for exams, particularly those who have missed in-person OSCEs due to the pandemic. We hope that this discussion provides helpful and practical advice - including information on the new Geeky Medics collection of 500+ OSCE Stations - as well as easing some of your worries with general advice about how to approach exams. Best of luck to everyone sitting exams at the moment! Host: Josh Chambers Producer: Emma Harvey Guest: Lewis Potter

In this episode of the podcast, we discuss the field of clinical toxicology with Professor Michael Eddleston. We chat about his journey through medical school - interspersed with work abroad and a PhD - as well as his academic career and research interest in pesticide poisoning in rural Asia. This is a really interesting episode for anyone who hopes to pursue an academic career alongside their clinical work.

In this episode, we are joined by Dr Fiona Donald, a consultant in anaesthetics and the president of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. We explore elements of anaesthetics including an understanding of physiology, its fast-paced nature, and the importance of patient communication skills. We also discuss her work with the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the career resources available for medical students and doctors interested in anaesthetics.

In this episode, we chat to Dr Dan Magnus, a Paediatric Emergency Consultant, about his work in a children's A&E department and his interests in global health. Dr Magnus takes us through the different training pathways, the best and hardest bits of the job, and gives some inspiring advice for anyone who feels they haven't got it all sorted yet.

In this episode, we chat with Dr Emma Torbe about her career as a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist. We discuss combining medicine and surgery, the variation of the speciality, and the best and hardest parts of her work. She also shares some useful advice for those considering working part-time. This episode is sure to get you thinking about a career in obstetrics and gynaecology if you haven't been already!

In this episode of the podcast, we chat with Dr Siwan Roberts about her career as a clinical psychologist. She outlines her work in children's mental health in particular and discusses childhood adverse experiences can affect both mental and physical health. We hope that this episode is interesting and helpful for those looking into Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, but also all healthcare professionals. If any of the sensitive issues raised in this episode have affected you, please speak to someone such as your friends and family, GP, or Samaritans. If you are concerned about your own mental health or that of someone else, you should call one of the following: NHS: 111 Samaritans: 116 123 National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK: 0800 689 5652

Part two of our special on diabetes focuses on the work of a Diabetes Specialist Nurse. We discuss the day to day life of working in a hospital and providing specialist care for patients with diabetes. Our guest also shares her top tips for prescribing in diabetes and easy mistakes to avoid! We hope that this episode will be useful for students, medical professionals, and anyone who wants to understand more about the challenges of treating this condition. Guest: Rahab Hashim

Part one of our two part special on diabetes focuses on the firsthand experience of a patient living with diabetes. We discuss what it is like to be diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and to live with and manage the condition day-to-day. We hope that this episode will be useful for students, medical professionals, and anyone who wants to understand more about the challenges of managing this condition. Guest: Ashwin Bali

In this episode, we chat with Dr Michael Gooseman, a Cardiothoracic Surgeon at Hull University Teaching Hospitals Trust. We discuss his interest in cardiothoracics since medical school, experience in the academic foundation programme, and his work now as a thoracic surgeon. We explore what the day-to-day life of a cardiothoracic surgeon is like and how rewarding surgical intervention can be.

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