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3min2021 FEB 13
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1. Thailand begins celebrating its New Year April 13 with the Songkran festival, which lasts three days. 4月13日,泰国开始庆祝为期三天的泼水节。 2. Songkran festival 泼水节,宋干节 PHOTOGRAPH BY RACHEN SAGEAMSAK XINHUA, EYEVIN/REDUX AYUTTHAYA, THAILAND 泰国大城府 Thailand begins celebrating its New Year April 13 with the Songkran festival, which lasts three days. Throughout the nation, streets are closed down for the water festival as revelers—and elephants—engage in massive water fights. The 2016 celebration was clouded by severe drought, the country’s worst in several decades. 4月13日,泰国开始庆祝为期三天的泼水节。全国范围内的街道在泼水节期间关闭,因为狂欢者——还有大象——会参与一场大型的泼水战。2016年的庆祝活动受到了该国几十年来最严重干旱的影响。 PHOTOGRAPH BY PRATCHAYA, GETTY IMAGES A girl pours water on an elder's hands. 一位女孩将水倒在长辈手中。

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