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1. 哈佛大學醫學院教師貝絲·弗拉茨醫學博士是“生活方式醫學”的先驅,“生活方式醫學”重點是用良好的生活習慣預防疾病,保持健康。

2. 在這門課程中,弗拉茨博士將教授關於健康生活的六大關鍵,包括彈性睡眠、運動健身、營養、社交關系和心智成長。課程將幫助你達到最佳的健康狀態。

3. 你將學到:如何在日常生活中保持健康的習慣?作為一個忙碌的職業人,如何照顧好自己和他人?如何認識健康的要素,規避健康風險?如何將每一個關鍵要素培養到你的生活和工作中去?

4. 本課程為英語原聲課程,完整還原講述,為你打造全英文的環境;另外配以逐字的英文文稿,幫助你快速提升英語水平,更好地吸收理解課程。

  • 貝絲·弗拉茨(Beth Frates)
    貝絲·弗拉茨(Beth Frates)

4.Nutrition 4.營養 Key isnutrition. We can control some things in our lives, what we say, what we do,and also what we eat. We have complete control over what we put into our mouthsevery day. What are you putting into your mouth? Each day and each night, ifyou're looking to have flowing skin, abundant energy, clean arteries, healthydigestion, and lower levels of insulin nation in general, then what you eat isincredibly important. 關鍵是營養。我們可以控制生活中的一些事情,我們說什麼,做什麼,還有我們吃什麼。我們可以完全控制我們每天把什麼放進嘴里。你往嘴里放什麼?每天晚上,如果你想擁有流動的皮膚、充足的能量、干淨的動脈、健康的消化系統和較低水平的胰島素水平,那麼你吃什麼是非常重要的。  Food. Isn't justcalories to get you through the day. It's a critical component of a healthylifestyle that empowers you to reach your full potential. 食物。不僅僅是卡路里讓你度過一天。它是健康生活方式的重要組成部分,它能讓你充分發揮潛能。  So nutrition can play asignif...

2. StressResiliency 2.壓力恢復力 If we use stressto our advantage, we can find flow and increase our day to day moments of joy.So let's start with what is stress? What is stress resiliency, and why are theyeven important? The first key of healthier living is stress resiliency. Let'sfirst define stress. Stress is a state of emotional or mental strain or tensionresulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. 如果我們利用壓力的優勢,我們可以找到流動,增加我們每天快樂的時刻。那麼讓我們從什麼是壓力開始吧?什麼是壓力恢復力,為什麼它們如此重要?健康生活的第一個關鍵是抗壓能力。我們先來定義壓力。壓力是一種情緒或精神緊張或緊張的狀態,由不利或非常苛刻的環境造成。  There arevarying degrees of stress. When you experience anxiety, sorrow, or pain, thiskind of stress is called distress. When you experienced moderate or normalpsychological stress, this is called youth stress, which can actually bebeneficial. And even be your friend when trying to complete a projec...

7. Growth MindsetOr words make worlds. What we say toourselves creates the canvas on which we paint the day and night. Our self-talkdoes not speak to us. It often yells at us. We must learn to speak to ourselveswith an empowering voice and use a growth mindset. What does it mean to have agrowth mindset? And why is it important for health as we come to the end ofthis course, why is having a growth mindset important to continue on andsustain your health journey?[00:00:42] The sixth and final key ofhealthier living is a growth mindset. We all make mistakes and we should treatthese times as opportunities to learn and grow. Own up to your mistakes andfind ways to fix them, have compassion, especially for yourselves. Why is itimportant own up to your mistakes and find ways to fix them?[00:01:10] Have compassion, especially foryourselves. Remember that coach approach now growth mindset comes from the workof Carol Dweck at Stanford. There are two basic mindsets. According to her...

6. Social Connections Quality connections are critical for our happiness and our health. We need people in our lives love and a sense of belonging. Our basic human needs. And are included in Mazlow's original hierarchy of needs. Many of us take this for granted and in stressful times, we've had more difficulty cultivating these connections, but. [00:00:34] We must, why are social connections of basic human needs and how can you cultivate high quality connections at work? The fifth key of healthier living is social connections. One of our basic human needs is our sense of belonging or connection. Creating high quality connections at work and at home where there's trust and you can voice your thoughts and worries in a productive way is critical for your health. [00:01:11] By building high quality connections, the workplace can be at its highest level of powerful outcomes. For example, in your product development process, business negotiation, or a meeting among colleagues. When ...

3. The Power of MovementHe number twomovement, how to stay healthy. When life gets busy, the six keys to unlockingyour full potential moving our bodies is not only healthy, but fun and evenrelaxing. So if you're not driving and you can, how about you stand right up?Wiggle yourself around. Maybe take a few steps, maybe jog in place, get readyfor this key number two, right. 他第二個動作,如何保持健康。當生活變得忙碌時,釋放你全部潛能的六把鑰匙——移動我們的身體——不僅是健康的,而且是有趣的,甚至是放鬆的。所以如果你不開車,你可以,你站起來怎麼樣?扭動你自己。也許走幾步,或者慢跑,準備好第二把鑰匙,對吧。 You know, thatstretching itself releases, endorphins. Feel good hormones you could stretchright now and feel good right now. It's in your control. So here's aninvitation for you. Exercise has so many benefits, some, you know, and youcould list them right now. If I were your teacher. And I said, what are thebenefits of exercise? 你知道嗎,伸展本身會釋放內啡肽。感覺良好...

When a child is born, parents wishfor many things for their newborn, a stable, safe environment where the childcan grow and flourish and become truly happy. Fundamentally though, thatparents hope for good health for their baby. As Ralph Waldo, Emerson said, thefirst wealth is health. I'm Beth Fraydi's. 當孩子出生時,父母希望他們的新生兒有很多東西,一個穩定、安全的環境,讓孩子成長、茁壯成長、真正快樂。但從根本上說,父母希望孩子健康。正如愛默生所說,第一財富是健康。我是貝絲·弗雷迪的。 And as a doctor focused on lifestylemedicine and educator researcher, coach, wife, and mom, I'll share my lifeexperiences, knowledge, and the evidence-based health techniques that you canuse to live a healthier, more productive life. Enjoying a healthy body peacefulmind, and a joyful heart means nourishing your body with healthy eating andgetting plenty of sound, sleep, and regular exercise. 作為一名專注於生活方式醫學的醫生和教育家研究員、教練、妻子和母親,我將分享我的生活經驗、知...

1.Introduction 1.介紹 You're listening to thekeys to healthier living, unlocking your full potential, a 你在傾聽健康生活的鑰匙,釋放你的全部潛能,一個Himalayalearning audio course. So you may be wondering who I am. I'm dr. Beth Fraydi'sand assistant professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the Harvardmedical school. A trained physiatrist as well as a certified health andwellness coach. 喜馬拉雅學習音頻課程。所以你可能想知道我是誰。我是Beth Fraydi博士,哈佛醫學院物理醫學和康復助理教授。訓練有素的理療師和認證的健康和健康教練。  My expertise isin lifestyle medicine and empowering people like you to reach their optimallevel of wellness through adopting and sustaining healthy habits in theirlives. After decades of training, I found that health and wellness coaching isa collaborative process. And as your coach will be exploring the most essentialelements that you need for healthy living. 我的專長是生活方式醫學,通過在生活中采用和維持健康的習慣,使...

5. Sleep Creativity productivity, enhanced mood and energy. You need to sleep seven to eight hours a night unless you're in the very small percentage of people who have a genetic code that enables them to sleep five hours and be healthy. Sleep also has a profound impact on the other keys of lifestyle medicine. [00:00:30] The fourth key of healthier living is sleep. Sleep is foundational for health. Getting a good night's sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health and wellbeing. It rests and restores our body and brain. During night's sleep. It's thought that waste products are removed from the brain. [00:00:51] Memories are solidified and other hormones that help to regulate appetite are released. You may have heard about leptin and ghrelin. Ghrelin is the gremlin, and it's the one that increases our appetite. Leptin is the hormone that helps to keep us lean when you are sleep deprived. Guess what? Braelin goes up and left and goes down. [00...


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